I'm not a very fast-paced person.

You get to do what you want to do – if that’s what you want to do.

I had an agent in Salt Lake City, but acting was more like a hobby.

Oh, I'm quite the impulse buyer. Most of what I buy is stuff for my Jeep, 'cause it breaks down a lot.

The day after I got an agent, I got called in for a role in a TV movie called 'Legion Of Fire: Killer Ants.'

I always related most to Steve McQueen because he was more of an outcast than Robert Redford or Paul Newman.

My dad has a huge vinyl collection downstairs, but I was never too interested. The only CD I had was by Adam Sandler.

It's a very enticing, very seductive place, but once you get to know what L.A.'s really like, you don't want to live there.

One day, you're a nobody, and the next, you're in a movie that everybody is talking about. But Hollywood has a way of knocking you back down to Earth.

If you think you're going to work with Cameron Crowe and not get into his music, you're crazy. But he doesn't force it on you. He doesn't force anything on you, which really makes things easier.

There are these girls who live in Maryland: they're the Patrick Super Fan Club Association of America. They've sent me videotapes of themselves just eating and talking about Hanson, and a loaf of bread that was really moldy by the time it got here.

Any kind of sequence when you have to express physical space and time can be difficult to story-tell because, if you're sitting there watching it like it's a play or something, your mind can track what's going on, or if you're watching an actual fight you can kind of track what's going on, but as soon as you have to start telling the story and tracking for the audience, it becomes much more complicated.

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