Tom Ford does everything perfect.

Here's my rule about shoes, buy them.

I would wear a turban to Whole Foods.

You can't get dressed without good hair.

I see BOLD accessories as a woman's armor.

I don't deal in pretentious kids' parties.

I think people should look cute all the time.

I would do fragrance. I'm a fragrance fanatic.

I think that sexiness should be in the subtleties.

Just throw me in my coffin now with these earrings on.

I did not have a van, or wear Birkenstocks and tie-dyes.

Style is what one creates....glamou r is a state of mind.

All of my clients have athletic or curvy, healthy bodies.

Style is a way to say who you are without having to speak.

You don't have to be famous to live out your own red carpet moment.

Wanna know what heaven is ? Feeling the sun shine on you... In Paris

I have lost my short-term memory - I'm just getting blonder by the day.

I'm someone that never likes to overpower the girls in hair and makeup.

You want to look great under your clothes and obviously without clothes.

I keep saying I'm going to cut back on styling, but it's hard to give up.

It's better to have fewer things of quality than too much expendable junk.

Accessories are everything. To me, they're more important than the clothes.

All those things they say about a baby changing your perspective - it does!

The worst thing you could ever get is people who think they know everything.

I don't come from a family of slackers, but I do come from a family of doers.

Something that's very painful for me is when people wear pants that are too short.

I think what you wear really does need to reflect what your own personal style is.

I think when you're really stressed out and can't really face reality... you shop.

Celebrities are just like us and like any of your friends. I love working with people.

No one wants to stay in the tabloids. But it's actually not a terrible place to start.

I always carry a Tom Ford lipstick and Tachta face blotters to get me through the day.

It's hard for me to take care of myself, let's put it that way. I am my last priority.

I'm a textbook definition of that perfectionist girl who has huge expectations of herself.

Hair is a huge part of who I am and what I obsess over - I've had long hair my entire life.

I love Fall Fashion Week because it means lots of layering, long sweaters and vintage coats.

It's a constant challenge trying to find balance between styling, designing and being a mom.

People tell you everything changes when you have a kid, but what nobody says is you don't mind.

I started styling people when I was just eight years old, without even knowing what a stylist was.

My basics are black, white, or neutral, and I'll wear a ton of jewelry or carry a brightly colored bag.

Picking your favourite look is like picking your favourite child! I get so emotionally attached to each one.

I believe fantasy and dreaming can be made a reality. You don't have to be rich. You don't have to be a VIP.

I do love being on television and in peoples' homes. I'm not an actor, so there is a connection that's real.

Girls, to me, growing up were very, very petty and didn't want me to succeed and didn't want the best for me.

Every other day there's something - I'm dealing drugs, I'm starving people. I have never done a drug in my life.

I'm not a tough boss in that I don't raise my voice, I don't freak out, and I don't have a temper most of the time.

My home has to feel airy and bright with natural light. I don't switch on lamps until it is literally black outside.

I think every woman should have leopard, but not every woman will wear leopard. You have to have courage to wear leopard.

My dad is an unbelievable entrepreneur who balanced his life as a father and a president of two very successful companies.

I think in spring, we don't want to wear makeup, we don't want to wear a ton of clothes, we just want everything to be easier.

I think, in spring, we don't want to wear makeup, we don't want to wear a ton of clothes, we just want everything to be easier.

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