My exit is the result of too many entrees.

Love will always be the most powerful force.

The virtue lies in the struggle, not the prize.

The beating of my own heart Was all the sound I heard.

A man's best things are nearest him, Lie close about his feet.

But on and up, where Nature's heart Beats strong amid the hills.

Great thoughts, great feelings came to them, Like instincts, unawares.

They who have steeped their soul in prayer can every anguish calmly bear.

They who have steeped their souls in prayer Can every anguish calmly bear.

Grand Thoughts that never can be wearied out, Showing the unreality of Time.

It's not the lack of ability or opportunity that holds you back; it is only a lack of confidence in yourself.

I wandered by the brook-side, I wandered by the mill; I could not hear the brook flow, The noisy wheel was still.

He, who for Love has undergone The worst that can befall, Is happier thousand-fold than one, Who never loved at all.

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