Is it not meningitis?

Let me go, let me go.

Don't die like I did.

Now comes the mystery.

Give Dayrolles a chair.

I think I'll sleep now.

Tape "Seinfeld" for me.

Go away... I'm alright.

Let's cool it, brothers.

My God. What's happened?

I wonder why he shot me.

What a fool I have been!

A great leap in the dark

May God never abandon me.

Don't mess with my money.

I want nothing but death.

I'm so bored with it all.

Last words are only words.

There is but one reliance.

Everything is an illusion.

Tortured for the Republic.

Well I've had a happy life.

A king should die standing.

I have a terrific headache.

Can you believe this crap ?

It's all been rather lovely.

Don't disarrange my circles!

Last word in lonesome is me.

The nourishment is palatable.

You might make that a double.

Every last word is contagious.

Now it is nothing but torture.

It's all been very interesting.

I can die now. I've lived twice.

I'm going now. My time has come.

The law must have the last word.

It is. But not as hard as farce.

Don't worry... it's not loaded...

Children be comforted, I am well. see the light. (Last words)

I can hear the music all around me.

I die hard but am not afraid to go.

Good-bye... why am I hemorrhaging ?

Farewell my friends, I go to glory.

I've said all that I've had to say.

That's good. Go on, read some more.

Tell them I've had a wonderful life.

Go away. I'm all right. [last words]

I know not what tomorrow will bring.

God will pardon me. It is His trade.

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