Every successful person I have heard of has done the best he could ...

Every successful person I have heard of has done the best he could with the conditions as he found them, and not waited until next year for better.

Keep on going and the chances are you will stumble on something, ...

Keep on going and the chances are you will stumble on something, perhaps when you are least expecting it. I have never heard of anyone stumbling on something sitting down.

You may have heard of me.

The well heeded well heard.

Poetry is meant to be heard.

I heard the voice of Jesus say

Listen if you want to be heard

You heard me. You ain't blind.

Believe that God has heard you.

I'm Elijah. You've heard of me?

Scotland's voice has to be heard

Speak from the heart to be heard.

Injustice can never be stood for.

Judas heard all Christ's sermons.

Music isn’t just heard, it is felt.

Women should be obscene, not heard.

Wives should be kissed - not heard.

Nobody heard anything ahead of time.

Let the voice of the people be heard!

You ain't heard that we swallow guys?

Women should be obscene and not heard.

Ever heard of the word please?" "Never.

You never heard anybody ask 'Elvis who?'

I cried when I heard Johnny Carson died.

When I speak it is in order to be heard.

I want my songs to be heard by everyone.

There are voices and they must be heard.

Harken to reason or shee will bee heard.

'The Lego Movie?' I've never heard of it.

When I heard Nirvana, it changed my life.

In the silence, hear what can't be heard.

The truth is generally seen, rarely heard.

I used to re-create the beats that I heard.

How can you veto an idea you haven't heard?

Things seen are mightier than things heard.

So, I heard you're this ninja or something.

I have never heard a more eloquent silence.

I heard a rumor that I had...left the earth

Worry about him? I never even heard of him.

A cliche is everything you've ever heard of.

Mother Mother Ocean, I have heard your call.

And tears are heard within the harp I touch.

Sometimes you have to be silent to be heard.

But whoever heard of enchanted bacon anyway?

Their lost voices must continue to be heard.

Everyone deserves to have their voice heard.

I'm a confession that is waiting to be heard

One eare it heard, at the other out it went.

All my life I feel like I haven't been heard.

You were seen, you were heard and you matter.

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