My western heritage runs deep.

I read a lot of scripts. Most of 'em go to other actors.

Sometimes, you get the bear. Sometimes, the bear gets you.

I'm a sixth-generation Texan, even though I was born in California.

I was single-minded on what I wanted to do since I was like nine or ten.

I'm not a hunter, but I've been around guns all my life. I'm a great shot.

I'm not a quick study, so I'm always struggling for my words right up until.

The opportunity, number one, to work with Ang Lee is an amazing thing for me.

I think every actor's dream is somebody writes something specifically for them.

Hugh Grant is the main man. He's the number one romantic comedy man in the world.

Making movies is never going to get better than working on a Coen brothers project.

Nobody sets out to make a bad film - I shouldn't say 'nobody.' Some people certainly don't care.

I just went to see too many movies and I sat in too many dark matinees watching those old serials.

I love the fact that I'm having an opportunity to make people laugh and you actually get to hear it.

I think anytime you can affect people in general, in a positive way, then you're a lucky individual.

I spent a lot of time growing up in Oregon after I left California. Spent a lot of time in the woods.

I've spent my entire career on horseback or on a motorcycle. It boxes you in, the way people perceive you.

I was one of the early guys from my generation to have hair on his face. Me and Tom Selleck, and I was first.

I've done films over the years that basically no one saw. And I'm thankful that some of them haven't been seen.

My family is all from the Southwest. My great-great-grandfather was at the Battle of San Jacinto with Sam Houston.

I don't want to be known as a sex symbol. There's a great stigma that goes with that tag. I want to be a Sam Elliott.

Looking back on the long haul in my career, little films, big films, TV, the Western thing has been really good to me.

I understand lost love, and I think that can destroy a man more than anything if it was a deep love that is lost somehow.

I've been married one time and I have one daughter, who I love more than anyone in the world. And that's where my world is.

I truly loved Jason Reitman. I was there on his first film, 'Thank You For Smoking,' and I'd go work with him to do anything.

I'm a four star general in this thing, and you don't rise to the ranks of a four star general by hanging about the house being the perfect dad.

Even after nearly 50 years in this business, I still feel like I'm lucky every time I get a decent job, but an opportunity to work with people of that ilk.

The two things that I wanted in my life were to have a movie career and to be married, to have a family. And it's an embarrassment of riches that I've got both.

Any of these Vietnam vets that have been there and know the deal, they don't feel that any Hollywood endeavor about the Vietnam era has ever gotten it right yet.

I've spent my entire career on horseback or on a motorcycle. It boxes you in, the way people perceive you. I read a lot of scripts. Most of 'em go to other actors.

I did beef ads for about eight years because I love the people in that industry, and there are a lot of people who make their living in the beef world. Ranchers, primarily.

I grew up in Sacramento and spent a lot of time in the Saturday matinee. I just thought, 'Wow.' It's that magic of sitting in a dark theater as a little kid. That was in the '50s.

My dad worked for the Fish and Wildlife Service, and he worked for the Department of Interior, you know, like the federal government. And consequently, I was outdoors a lot in my lifetime.

I'm picky, very picky. I wanted to be an actor since I was nine years old, and I figured that was only one way to ever have any longevity, and that's to be careful about what kind of work you do.

Everyone is so preoccupied by youth. People talk about how the movie business is a microcosm of the bigger picture, or life imitating art, but the business is guilty for getting women out of the way.

It's never going to get better than working opposite an actor like Jeff Bridges. That's as good as it gets. I don't even know what to refer to him as. He's just a great guy. He's iconic on his own merits.

I think the people that most often cross a line are comedians. I think they relish that, and take pride in that on some level - at least, from what little I've seen and understand about people that do stand-up.

I think I might have been a more interesting actor, had more of a career earlier on, if I had more formal preparation. When I see something ten years later that I was in I think, 'Boy, would I love to do that over.

I think I might have been a more interesting actor, had more of a career earlier on, if I had more formal preparation. When I see something ten years later that I was in I think, 'Boy, would I love to do that over.'

I was in the cement end of the construction business, as a laborer. I was pouring concrete, and stripping forms off of set concrete, and pulling nails, and stacking plywood, and doing that kind of thing. I was in peak condition in those days.

You know, I know a lot of lifeguards. Both my parents were lifeguards at a lake in El Paso, Texas. I was a lifeguard in a swimming pool in Portland, Ore. And I have known and met and befriended a number of oceangoing lifeguards in California where I live.

My voice gets recognized before anything else. It's always gotten attention. In choruses at church and school, I started as a tenor, moved to a baritone and finally became a bass. I knew then that my voice would be my instrument. Now if I want to hide, I just keep my mouth shut.

I'll do anything. I'll shave my head for the right job. I'm partial to my facial hair, I guess, but I also enjoy doing something where I look totally different, which is kind of the reason why I've always worn long hair. I can really change my look radically by getting rid of it.

I've had those periods in my career when I was sitting around waiting for a phone call and had an agent who was doing the same thing rather than going out there to shake the bushes looking for a job for me. It's a frustrating game, that's the downside of this business - the rejection.

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