I eat almost no lunch. I have a big dinner but I don't have a big lunch.

You can't be against bullying without actually doing something about it.

I am committed to making Georgia a model for open and honest government.

As the population of Georgia increased dramatically, so did development.

If anything remains more or less unchanged, it will be the role of women.

I have never in my life learned anything from any man who agreed with me.

I enjoyed debate on the floor but it's not really debate in the same way.

I would argue [Donald]Trump is the [Barack] Obama of this election cycle.

My anti-authoritarian instincts let me directly to criminal defense work.

I have numerous people who have expressed a willingness to be plaintiffs.

The law should be a shield for the weak and powerless, not a club for the

I did what my conscience told me to do, and you can't fail if you do that.

I can get a firestorm going anywhere in the United States by saying 'O.J.'

Georgia is in an enviable position today, but we cant rest on our laurels.

I use the rules to frustrate the law. But I didn't set up the ground rules.

Business and the state have a common interest; not an adversarial interest.

Georgia is in an enviable position today, but we can't rest on our laurels.

We were just a bunch of high school kids who got into the Ramones together.

Suicide is an extreme vote of no confidence in a society that doesn't work.

The courage in journalism is sticking up for the unpopular, not the popular.

When suspicion and hostility is allowed to fester, it can erupt into unrest.

I don't write polite letters. I don't like to plea-bargain. I like to fight.

We talk often about choice. Well, ladies and gentlemen, it's time to choose.

Just as a wise man can say something foolish, a fool can say something wise.

We seem never to know what any thing means or is worth until we have lost it.

Reverence for greatness dies out, and is succeeded by base envy of greatness.

Less glory is more liberty. When the drum is silent, reason sometimes speaks.

The last thing I would ever do though is actively work against another woman.

You can't always expect a certain result, but you can expect to do your best.

It's okay in this country to be sexist. It's certainly not okay to be racist.

People who live through transplants or disasters like Sept. 11 are survivors.

As I read, my suspicion that Jesus might really be the Messiah was confirmed.

Not much more can happen to you after you lose your reputation and your wife.

I took anything that came across my doorstep. I started getting a reputation.

We will never forget those like my great-grandfather who fought at Vicksburg.

The family is the building block for whatever solidarity there is in society.

The public is entitled to know whether or not I am married to Jack The Ripper.

There is no doubt in my view that Donald Trump will be the Republican nominee.

Individuals and nations owe it to themselves and the world to become informed.

I've made a lifetime commitment to the union movement and to public education.

Strength, boldness, and new energy are not words that describe Hillary Clinton.

I'm convinced from what I know of Vernon Bundy that his testimony was truthful.

The only way not to be afraid is to join with other people who are also afraid.

I think the Constitution has been upheld. I think they made the right decision.

Motherhood is at its best when the tender chords of sympathy have been touched.

We tend to pay attention to that which is the most current on our radar screen.

Even as water carves monuments of stone, so do our thoughts shape our character.

Instead of finding the needle in the haystack, we're making the haystack bigger.

It's hard for me to write about anything personal because I get way too personal.

My life has never been a part of a big plan. It's more of an unfolding adventure.

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