It is no longer clear which way is up even if one wants to rise.

I stood by Ted Cruz in 2012. I endorsed President Trump in 2016.

I speak Spanish to my children and they speak it better than me.

In short, ISIS is composed of religiously motivated psychopaths.

One's religion is one's own possession and he has a right to it.

The First Amendment rejects red tape, cover-up and double-speak.

We've chosen the path to equality, don't let them turn us around.

Well of course Bush got Kentucky, because it's a Republican city.

Real character is formed in the midst of the battles of the soul.

My daughter is in the lawsuit because you need that for standing.

Government needs to stay out of the religion business altogether.

You might not agree with me, but I always offer a lot of support.

We have all the light we need, we just need to put it in practice.

Today we charge George Zimmerman with murder in the second-degree.

In life every effort is marked down at the end as a win or a loss.

I must be doing something right. I've been around for a long time.

Labor Day is seen as a day of rest for many hardworking Americans.

There's a lot of active radical thought today but not much action.

The experience of testifying and the aftermath have changed my life

I am constantly reminded that as Texans, we are exceptional people.

It's a great pleasure having survived six generations of TV critics

Extol Jewish virtue, modern Zionism and the Israeli Defense Forces.

Nothing but religious faith has been able to save men from despair.

The very strength of a nation eventually proves to be its weakness.

Nature provides a free lunch, but only if we control our appetites.

The experience of testifying and the aftermath have changed my life.

There has been a change in heroes within the working-class community

It's a great pleasure having survived six generations of TV critics.

Schools should be places of learning and joy, not testing and agita.

No matter what I do, I'll be forever known as the Manson prosecutor.

My experience is, people who retire die sooner than they should have.

America needs a commander in chief, not a global community organizer.

We lost a young man’s life and it begins to represent so many things.

We don't care about our audiences that much. We just go out and play.

There's no immortality of the soul that you can infer from the Bible.

Today the future occupation of all moppets is to be skilled consumers.

In my life, I'd like to play more golf and, and get a decent handicap.

To me, it is clear that the Social Security program is constitutional.

I don't want to know what the law is, I want to know who the judge is.

Hypocrisy is the homage that vice and wrong pay to virtue and justice .

One man is equivalent to all Creation. One man is a World in miniature.

This is going right to the police. So, it's a very dangerous precedent.

A jury could very well conclude that this is a case of buyer's remorse.

Many obstacles to the expansion of good will have presented themselves.

I am committed to making Georgia a model for open and honest government

And we used to do a lot of drugs and get very drunk on very cheap wine.

Just like I'm still angry with Simpson for getting by with two murders.

I think of myself as Special Forces, clearing the path for the infantry.

It's a great thing to live in a digital age. It's convenient; it's fast.

If there ever was a militant religion, it was that of early New England.

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