My parents were really strict about me not watching cartoons.

Nations are not thugs. They are bodies of intelligent people.

All of your experience comes into play when you're composing.

When a label is throwing money at you, you have to recoup it.

What is life but a Spectrum and what is music but life itself.

The French - they like jazz, they've been on jazz a long time.

To be able to play as slow as Al Jackson is almost impossible.

Led Zeppelin was pretty much what made me pick up drum sticks.

One of my few shortcomings is that I can't predict the future.

I truly believe anything is possible if you fully manifest it.

The album was very agressive. It kicks you right in the balls.

There were so many individual styles thirty or forty years ago.

I spent a good solid two years giving my all to Adrenaline Mob.

My motives at a young age were, "I want to be rich and famous".

Papa Roach are not just going to take tours just to take tours.

I can't stop bleeding and I can't stop having sex with corpses.

We have a thin candy shell, I'm surprised you didn't know that.

Dime knew the importance of every aspect of playing the guitar.

Vodka is much easier on your system than dark whisky and stuff.

A CD of great music and drums that punch with power and energy.

I practice at home, in between phone calls, and have much to do.

As far as music school goes, I walked through Berkelee one time.

We are all are equal, but some pay higher tax rates than others.

If you do anything long enough, people can't ignore you anymore.

Just like music, sports elevates us to new levels of achievment.

In America there are some places that are just gorgeous to play.

When I was a little kid, I always wanted to be an oceanographer.

I enjoy seeing young people being interested in what they can do.

Almost everything I've done, I've done through my own creativity.

If you're not gonna be happy, then it's not worth doing anything.

I like Fisher Price music, nursery rhymes, and the alphabet song.

I always said the world is a better place because of Joey Ramone.

I went to prep school for one year in Arizona. It was called Orme.

I have never had a great love of the music business, I never have.

And really, there is nothing more innocent and cruel than a child.

It's nice when somebody says that you're their 'favorite' drummer.

I'm the greatest rock and roll drummer on the planet and you suck.

When I decided to follow my dream I had already discarded my life.

Drumming is the simplest thing that we can do to bring us together.

You know the drum was the first instrument besides the human voice.

I'm doing a lot of touring and things have been really busy for me.

My dad was a tyrant. He used to physically beat the crap out of us.

If you put the right things out there the right things will happen.

The more I've walked through tough times, the stronger I've become.

I've been to the top and I believe I've been to the bottom as well.

There is no great future for any people whose faith has burned out.

Tommy Aldridge is the guy that made me wanna play double kick, man.

To face one who is extraordinary,I cant allow myself to be ordinary

I just to put out the best records I can and perform the best I can.

You dont live on the Earth you want, you live on the Earth you have.

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