What a rush it was to plunge into the bin of official decision and cast a ballot in favor of FUN.

When I perform, it's very personal. I'm sharing things I like, inviting the audience into my room.

I'm having everything. I'm a vegetarian, too. But in my mother's house, I eat whatever I'm served.

I discovered my wife in bed with another man, and I was crushed. So I said, 'Get off me, you two!'

Actually, my cd was released in 1985, in return for two German missionaries and a Dutch urologist.

My classmates would copulate with anything that moved, but I never saw any reason to limit myself.

May was young and beautiful, we were legally married, but she was caught in the prison of my skin.

Bogart could have been color blind. He got to know a man before he decided if he liked him or not.

I've always wanted to be a mom at 23, 24ish, ever since I was a little girl. I'm right on schedule.

I terminated the interview when I didn't know what he was talking about and went upstairs to lunch.

As weird and awful and terrible as it may seem to be yourself sometimes, it will always reward you.

I consider the television set as the American fireplace, around which the whole family will gather.

Stay true to yourself because it goes a long way. If you don't know who you are, who are you really?

I'm open to different parts. I would love to do something where I can sing and act at the same time.

My mother always told me I wouldn't amount to anything because I procrastinate. I said, "Just wait."

Keep your sense of humor, my friend; if you don't have a sense of humor it just isn't funny anymore.

They always lost but he didn't blame me because to a gambler, a bad tip is better than no tip at all.

We can't answer King's assassination with violence. That would be the worst tribute we could pay him.

I bought a house in the Hollywood Hills and brought my grandmother from Harlem to live in it with me.

There are certain romances that belong in certain cities, in a certain atmosphere, in a certain time.

Wouldn't it be a pity if someone said that is a prayer and that would be eliminated from schools, too?

If you turn a smiling face on the world, you've got a chance of finishing up a good-looking old person.

I regard myself as being enormously lucky to have been accepted by the British public in so many areas.

Any wrestler who will piledrive Lawler and injure him like he did me gets five thousand dollars from me!

I turned down a date once because I was looking for someone a little closer to the top of the food chain.

Although I have started my solo activities but this doesnt mean I'll give up my roots, SS501 is my root .

You know how to tell when you're getting old? When your broad mind changes places with your narrow waist.

I always felt I had to fill silences, usually by singing or whistling. It was nerves and shyness, really.

When I was a little girl, I remember carrying my orange UNICEF carton with me as I went Trick-or-Treating.

I asked God for a bike, but I know God doesn't work that way. So I stole a bike and asked for forgiveness.

I go from stool to stool in singles bars hoping to get lucky, but there's never any gum under any of them.

No matter that if we are at our top or down at bottom , hope that everyone will give a lot of love to us .

My parents would say, 'Why don't you go out and play?' and I would say, 'I can't! I'm putting on my shows!'

If you were born really ugly like me, have no fear. There's steps you can take to be good-looking. Kind of.

It's essential that you make eye contact with your audience. You've got to know what's happening out there.

Being in public with May and the children was too heavy. I was irreversibly tuned in to everyone around us.

I think creativity becomes really beautiful and magical when you allow it to do what it's needing you to do.

I feel like I needed a balance. I don't want to forget about my personal life and spending time with myself.

Would it be better if I'd married a Negro woman? Would they treat my child any better? Erect fewer barriers?

You know, at parties, people always ask, 'Where were you when Kennedy was shot?' Well, I don't have an alibi!

Probably the toughest time in anyone's life is when you have to murder a loved one because they're the devil.

I love to go to the playground and watch the children jumping up and down. They don't know I'm firing blanks.

In order to find out who you are, you will, at some point, have to feel really isolated, left out, different.

I was so opposed to the war in Vietnam that I initially refused President Nixon's urgings for me to go there.

I'm my biggest inspiration. And I say this in the most humble way. I've been through so much, just in my life.

I have had a lot of cool offers to move into traditional media, but I'm not completely sold I have to do that.

Television: The device that brings into your living room characters you would never allow in your living room.

To appear on the stage drunk, to have them leave there and remember me making drunken mistakes, that was death.

It's okay if you can't see what you're doing, cuz even when your eyes are open, you can't see what you're doing.

You know, last night it was so cold that my pillow and my sheets fought to see who got under the blankets first.

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