I love clothes and fashion more than music

Losing my mum. That was a punch-me moment.

Dressing well is an expression of manners.

We like to believe our fashion is growing.

I wanted to help women and their families.

Fasion is about eventually becoming naked.

Clothing doesn’t lie, it shows everything.

I am totally unattached to material items.

I hate the word 'cool.' It gives me a rash.

You've got to know the rules to break them.

You can only go forward by making mistakes.

I hate it when people romanticize Scotland.

I love long power walks in the countryside.

You never forget people who make you laugh.

I very seldom compromise. I am a Capricorn.

The word "elegance" is a bit different now.

No elegant woman follows fashion slavishly.

Sin can be forgiven, but stupid is forever.

Fashion becomes unfashionable. Style never.

Fashion fades, only style remains the same.

Fashion Week is so important for designers.

I didn't do any designs for 'My Fair Lady.'

Design is not for philosophy it's for life.

I have worked with several dance companies.

My favorite thing about Taiwan is the food.

My approach has always been rather sensual.

I have a very haute couture way of working.

You only get a short life, so take chances.

Music gives color to the air of the moment.

Work is making a living out of being bored.

It's never too early to care about fashion.

Fashion is ephemeral, dangerous and unfair.

I have more friends in New York than Paris.

I don't consider myself a fashion designer.

Even mistakes can get you one step further.

Coco Chanel hated me. I can understand why.

I'm actually really obsessed with folk art.

Americans are always a little bit insecure.

My apartment looks like no one lives in it.

Pack an outfit to change into on the plane.

Don't dress for fashion, dress for yourself

I'm just not very interested in decoration.

Dressmaking is the architecture of movement

My mother was a cleaning lady all her life.

I want to keep a luxurious look in daywear.

I think God is the most fantastic designer.

My beauty simply shines forth like the sun!

Only wear clothes that make you feel alive.

All I did my first year at Vogue was Xerox.

I like to literally put women on a pedestal

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