My favorite place to shop is: any Duane Reade.

Mark my words, my rap career [is] on the rise.

The essence of style is how you live your life

I have a name, I have to take advantage of it.

I love to smell like roses, literally all day!

Never leave a pen around me - it will be gone.

Beauty is whatever anyone thinks is beautiful.

Maybe I am looking for the reason why I exist.

There's no excuse for fur in this day and age.

Only hire people you want to have dinner with.

Every season, really, has their own chemistry.

I'm a perfectionist, to the point of insanity.

Never underestimate the impact of a small act.

I'm always perpetually out of my comfort zone.

There's no such thing as an overnight success.

The young need discipline and a full bookcase.

There is so much that people take for granted.

In the morning, I practice 15 minutes of yoga.

I have been surfing since I was six years old.

Black is modest and arrogant at the same time.

Isn't elegance forgetting what one is wearing?

A good model can advance fashion by ten years.

I just tried to be an artist in my own metier.

I like having the freedom to dress as I desire.

My friends always joke that I run on batteries.

Clothes can transform your mood and confidence.

There is an excitement about having nightmares.

I don't have regrets because they are negative.

A women who doesn't wear perfume has no future.

Simplicity is the keynote of all true elegance.

My life didn't please me, so I created my life.

Fashion is everything that can pass fashionable

I design for the woman who loves being a woman.

You can actually be intimate with the universe.

I don't care about fashion, I care about women.

Enjoy your life, fashion is not that important.

I want to be the joy to people through my work.

War taught me that not everything is glamorous.

There are no boundaries for what can be fabric.

To be truly soigne, a man should have 80 suits.

Dressing is a pleasure; clothes are not a joke.

What is masculine and what is feminine, anyway?

I don't speak Italian, but I do speak Moschino.

I'm a very normal person with a very even keel.

Not a huge fan of exaggerated, big silhouettes.

I'm a working-class person, working with class.

I prefer to be in a video than to play with it.

Fashion is about going ahead, not about memory.

Everything I say is a joke. I am a joke myself.

My shoes are special shoes for discerning feet.

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