Models are the most physically insecure women on the planet.

One of the biggest issues for me is campaign finance reform.

My best friend is Lily Aldridge. Her daughter's my godchild.

People like to be around those who give off positive energy.

I modeled for 4 years before I felt like I had my big break.

Pulling off a zebra-print dress can be challenging for some.

Ballet really taught me so much about the power of movement.

No phone, a movie, a glass of wine, and some salad. Perfect!

Even if I wore a hat and a wig, you can always tell it's me.

It's quite rare that you find models taken care of backstage.

A model needs to know how to project herself into the camera.

Going to a fashion show is almost as painful as being in one.

That Lana Del Rey is quite cute, isn't she? I quite like her.

To be completely honest, I didn't know 'Twilight' was a book.

I bike everywhere. It's a good workout, and it's so much fun.

I'd love to have tea and scones with the Queen; she's my idol.

I do have too many eight-inch heels which I never get to wear.

I need to pay people to make me work out, or I wouldn't do it.

You've got to stay ahead of the game to be able to stay in it.

Modeling gave me an opportunity to be someone I'm not each day.

Mass media wants bright lights. Mass media wants crazy clothes.

I'm constantly learning and evolving. I'm fascinated with life.

From the minute I wake up until I go to bed I think about food.

My saving grace was that I always knew when to leave the party.

Now I'm being blamed not only for anorexia but for lung cancer.

I was lucky to be with Johnny... he taught me a lot about fame.

I did Hilary Duff's 'With Love' music video-slash-fragrance ad.

I love doing action movies, I love pushing myself to the limit.

I do not really shop. Most of my clothes I make. I dress simply.

Modeling is a profession where your worth is tied up with looks.

My dream was to be either a volleyball player or a veterinarian.

Whilst I may look good, I do find it hard to find the right man.

I personally love working out, but I always try to switch it up.

I'm not an outdoor girl. I can barely swim. I don't ride a horse.

No man has ever paid a single bill in my life - I didn't want it.

Parents should be the most important examples for their children.

If you are an activist, you have to stay active on a daily basis.

Going to the gym wouldn't be on my list of favorite things to do.

Yeah, I like clothes, but I hardly ever go shopping. Hardly ever!

These 'Sports Illustrated' people, they know how to hold a secret.

What I enjoy most is that every day I get to play a new character.

Models are what they are... people who model clothing, that's all.

Donald is intensely loyal. To family, friends, employees, country.

I'm not good at dressing myself; I need people to help me do that.

I eat whatever I like, but I play tennis and run nearly every day.

If there's a kids' corner at a party, that's where you'll find me.

You become a model once you go through hair, makeup, and Photoshop.

Even with a computer, I can't get rid of all the papers in my life.

When Dick Avedon died, I was so upset that I just started painting.

I think God has a plan for me, but I don't think it's in this life.

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