I am not trying my best because it is the Olympics. I try my best always.

I want to see how far I can train. I have to see how far my body will go.

It was a dream of mine to be an Olympic champion but not a lifelong goal.

From the fall of October, 1980 to March, 1984 I never lost a competition.

I'm very inspired by the artfulness and soulfulness of the Russian people.

To be honest, I just want to go somewhere where I can wear a white Speedo.

Every man prefers to look at a well-shaped woman instead of a rubber ball.

As a teenager especially, I just wanted to do my thing and not be noticed.

As an athlete, I've always been very proud to represent the United States.

I'm very goal-oriented. I do see myself doing something in public service.

I won my first medal when I was nine years old. It was at the Boston Open.

As a young child, I played the violin. I think that that started the spark

When you're acting, you're a person. When you're modeling, you're a hanger.

What motivated me is skating is something I am best at and I love the most.

I was so worried about winning, it was as if I was caught up in my own web.

Giving life to music through skating was something I wanted to be known for

As a young child, I played the violin. I think that that started the spark.

I think it was a great moment for America to have two ladies on the podium.

Figure skating is not a hobby. Its my work, which I want to do, and do well.

I don't think television really captures the speed and the power of skating.

The world never puts a price on you higher than the one you put on yourself.

It used to be that I wanted to be taller. Once I made 5-foot-1, I was happy.

Figure skating is not a hobby. It's my work, which I want to do, and do well.

In 2010, I was 17 or 18 and thought, 'Yeah, the Olympics, that might happen.'

The high road is always respected. Honesty and integrity are always rewarded.

My coaches have told me my muscles and body structure are perfect for skating.

I'm a big music person. I compare a lot of my emotions to how something sounds.

I needed to turn off the negative voice in my head - I was psyching myself out.

I worked also, doing things such as our paper route and, later on, waitressing.

I graduated a the top of my class in the '84 Olympic Games; I won a gold medal.

This one doesn't exist. The prettiest girl and the best car don't exist as well.

The sound of the blades on the ice in the morning is like smelling fresh coffee.

I wanted to be Gene Kelly. Well really, I just wanted to dance with Cyd Charisse.

If I train well and stay focused, I'm confident I can deliver when the time comes.

I think being in the public eye can only help me launch into the world of fashion.

When I get up, I have a cup of coffee, surf the Internet, then do a half-hour run.

As long as I leave my frustration behind, I know I am moving toward my goal again.

I had that feeling of just pure joy and I went out there and put it in my program.

It doesn't matter what kind of result will be in the end. I already win for myself.

My mom was born in San Diego, around Vista. So we've always been California people.

I definitely feel like I'm more of an artist than an athlete. But I'm good at both.

The Olympics is the biggest competition for all athletes and an unforgettable event.

I don't know secret to success, but I'm pretty sure the closest thing is preparation

I was more interested in skating and the girls and traveling than I was in calculus.

For me, I have gay family members, and I have a lot of friends in the LBGT community.

I will be 60 or 70 years old still rocking my Chanel blazer with my hair all coiffed.

Don't bring a prop. It's almost like they were afraid nobody would know who they are.

To me, skating should look effortless even when you're doing the hardest of elements.

I can't say, 'It doesn't matter if you win or lose.' It's not true. You go in to win.

Over the years, God and St. Therese have kept me going no matter how bad things were.

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