Some skaters, they live for skating, and they are home-schooled. I'm very lucky my parents let me go to school and have a normal life.

When you are an athlete, it's difficult to take time off and say you want to come back without everyone judging you and attacking you.

Even in the hardest circumstances, dreams can give you the courage to live, and I hope I can share that message with children in need.

In Toronto and Los Angeles, too, there are a lot of Koreans - Koreatown, Korean markets. I feel like I'm at home and very comfortable.

Michael Weiss and Todd Eldredge and I all competed against each other. Even though Im older than them, we did cross over a little bit.

In Japan, skating is like NHL hockey in Canada or baseball in the U.S., so pushing the limit is very enticing. Skating is their lives.

Ice dance should not be seen as a rigid conformist form of figure skating. There is a great deal of freedom and originality to be had.

The Olympics in '80 was phenomenal. It was my favorite memory of all competitive events, because it was brand new and it was exciting.

I'm going to skate exactly the way I want to, create programs that I like, and everything will fall into place where it is supposed to.

Michael Weiss and Todd Eldredge and I all competed against each other. Even though I'm older than them, we did cross over a little bit.

I tried all kinds of sports when I was a kid, like soccer and tennis and golf, and, in fact, started skating to be able to play hockey.

I hope I can compete in one or two Olympics in my career. Of course I would like to win a medal, but just being there would be awesome.

A lip brush is really helpful when applying a red lip because it makes the lines smoother. You can see a bumpy line from really far away.

People would ask me why I was doing what I was doing - but I always told them that I just loved to skate. There was no other explanation.

I was always falling in and out of love. I was engaged when I was 16 to the first guy I ever dated, but my father told him I was too young.

I still have so much passion to perform... That's who Johnny Weir is: I'm a figure skater, I'm an athlete. I want to have fun and enjoy it.

Every day, someone realizes a dream. I believe dreams help light our darkness and give us the push we need to move across the rink of life.

It took me two years to get an appointment with Mr. Suga who cut my hair for the Olympics. Who knew? I had no idea that it would be popular.

Everybody has to deal with tough times. A gold medal doesn't make you immune to that. A skater is used to falling down and getting up again.

I'm not commercial, I'm not for Special K cereal and I'm not a Wheaties boy; I'm a little bit more avant-garde, a little bit more out there.

Too many times women try to be competitive with each other. We should help support each other, rather than try to be better than each other.

I never had a serious injury that kept me out of a big competition. Now everyone has injuries - to their feet or their knees or their backs.

I'm so proud to be an Army brat, but it was not an easy life. Moving around so much, skating was that one constant thing I had to hold on to.

I used to have terrible tantrums. I was temperamental when I was younger. Actually, what I needed was a swift kick in the pants. What a brat!

I think when you have a good warm up you feel good about your performance. You know that you've trained so mentally you're in a better state.

Yeah, I am a little bit, and I think it is a natural progression of the sport, of going upwards in technical ability and everything like that.

Ive been competitive since day one. Even in little things as a child, like having a twin and a direct competitor for who makes better cookies.

Fame is a very confusing thing, because you are recognized by a lot of people that you've never seen before, and they're at a great advantage.

It means a lot to be an Olympian. I'm obviously so grateful and feel so lucky I was able to achieve my dream of winning an Olympic gold medal.

When my parents were paying for my sport, it wasn't just me out on the ice. Pretty much every dollar my mom made teaching went into my skating.

I've been competitive since day one. Even in little things as a child, like having a twin and a direct competitor for who makes better cookies.

'Pretty Little Liars' - my sister and I read the books, so we stuck to it for the first season, but it started to kind of drift off; so did we.

I've never thought of the Olympics as a political statement. I really think a boycott ... is in the wrong as far as the athletes are concerned.

Nothing shocks me anymore. I've embraced men in thongs, I've embraced women with padded bras. I mean, I can embrace Larry King saying 'fierce.'

Covergirl is my sponsor, and they have been so helpful in supplying me with their wonderful products. I love their blush, mascara and lip gloss.

You either expect to win, so when you do win, you're relieved instead of excited and if you lose instead of being motivated, you're embarrassed.

One of my mottos not only just in skating but in life in general and I try to enforce it as well, is like no regrets and just like going for it.

I dress like a boy most of the time because I like what's comfortable, so sometimes when I have to wear dresses and makeup, it's kind of comedic.

One naively thinks that by winning the Olympics, it's going to be this switch, and then your life is going to be perfect, and that's not reality.

When I was skating I felt I represented not just my family and the people who helped me make it to that point, but also New York and the country.

I have to consider my greatest accomplishments winning the Olympics because everything that Ive done after that is really because of the Olympics.

I think I dreamed about competing at the Olympics, maybe hoping to win a gold medal. Not that I ever thought that I would, but I dreamed about it.

I always start my breakfast out with oatmeal, because it's full of vitamin D, it's a great carb, and you can get, like, some fun flavors in there.

I think it's a lot harder for the pros to have a long career in ice dance and in pairs. It seems the singles have a little bit of a longer career.

I have to consider my greatest accomplishments winning the Olympics because everything that I've done after that is really because of the Olympics.

There are tons of great names who have gotten fourth at their first Olympics, and they just kept with it for the next quad. I'm among good company.

So-Youn has good qualities in both jump and power, triple combination is her biggest strength and she also has great artistic value in her skating.

There are two or three performances in your life that are absolutely on, where all the planets are lined up for you and you feel you're invincible.

I wear my Peggy Fleming T-shirt when I go to sleep every night before I compete, and for the past four years, it's brought me incredible good luck.

Acting is easier than skating in a way and harder in other aspects. In skating, you get one chance, and with acting you get to do it over and over.

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