I don't live in France; I live in myself.

By 1988, I was living in New York myself.

The entertainment is in the presentation.

For an artist, to be normal is a disaster

We need less perfect but more free films.

I am like the rain, I go where I'm needed.

I am like the rain: I go where I'm needed.

To every little girl her father is a hero.

One's too many and a hundred's not enough.

I don't have a moral plan, I'm a Canadian.

Nothing beats a live performance. Nothing.

I'm glad if my work can make a difference.

No one wants to see a tattoo on a stomach.

I get called 'controversial' all the time.

Politicians never keep all their promises.

I just hope that my films will survive me.

There are a lot of movies made for nobody.

I always was fascinated by neat nicknames.

You can't get hurt skiing, unless you fall

Waban-aki: People from where the sun rises.

I don't believe in failing. I have dignity.

I was a freestyle dancer; I wasn't trained.

I am big. It's the pictures that got small.

The best director is the one you don't see.

One's too many, and a hundred's not enough.

Fighting bitterness can be a full-time job.

A paranoiac like a poet, is born, not made.

Silence is my weapon, silence is my shield.

Guns don't kill people, people kill people.

I'm a fan of music from all over the world.

There's always some room for improvisation.

I am looking for the disconnected connection

I never write with an actor in mind - never.

I don't feel very revengeful in life at all.

I was a publicist for other people's movies.

We have way better nazi flags than THAT one.

I love what I do, I love every minute of it.

A paranoiac, like a poet, is born, not made.

For a documentary filmmaker, I do very well.

Comedy is a great slayer of rogues in power.

Sometimes you have to lie to tell the truth.

Poetry is a totally different art than film.

You won't get hurt skiing if you don't fall.

You can't have a masterpiece without madness.

I liked Lady Gaga's meat dress. It was funny.

It's always really scary to release new work.

For me, 'Amy' is a very dark film about love.

Local casting is just something I love doing.

Being an artist is in part an act of rupture.

It's really hard to grow with another person.

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