O'Reilly continues to hide behind his microphone.

Five cats and a woman. That is all I need in life.

It's so weird to be alive and to be inside a body.

I am a poet; I am not a worker. I need to be free.

I read loads. There's quite a lot of stuff online.

All the films I do, I write the scripts, I direct.

You're as good as the best thing you've ever done.

A lot of people attack the sea, I make love to it.

I like engineering, but I love the creative input.

I missed my teenage years. I was never a teenager.

I was a Talking Heads fan from the very beginning.

I never thought of myself as like, a funny person.

The American media wants to pump you full of fear.

I was kicked out of school one year for streaking.

Imagine the potential of an emerging global brain.

Gravity is love and every turn is a leap of faith.

I appreciated art, long before I could produce it.

Birds born in cages think that flying is a disease.

Accepting death is a massive problem for everybody.

If you don't make errors, how can you be conscious?

I tweet 15 times a day to keep my brain stimulated.

I can't play horror games anymore, let alone in VR.

Everybody's a mad scientist, and life is their lab.

It is always a problem to know what an image means.

In America, sex is preached; in France, it is done.

The best way to observe a fish is to become a fish.

There's politics in all aspects of our daily lives.

I still enjoy watching films more than making them.

I am discovering myself as a director all the time.

You are a unique person, just like everybody else!!

If God gives you chocolate, you open your mouth, no?

My ego every day is more and more polite. I tame it.

Directing can be very lonely and quite intimidating.

Resistance to change is always the biggest obstacle.

You can't soar like an eagle and crap like a canary.

I kind of look like every other girl walking around.

There's a certain grace to having your heart broken.

I thought I wanted to be a journalist or a novelist.

Travel is wonderful. Everyone thinks it's wonderful.

Black men loving black men is THE revolutionary act.

Capitalism is an evil, and you cannot regulate evil.

Before there were unions, there was no middle class.

We are kids. The only difference is the toy we have.

I feel like I've lost 10 years of my life to cancer.

The capacity to be intrinsic and vulgar is American.

I don't set out to make a film for festivals abroad.

You are excrement. You can change yourself into gold.

Every person, every artist makes his life an artwork.

When I started to pay income tax, I was 50 years old.

We are on the track of something absolutely mediocre.

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