Hope for the best is what we do, right from the moment we're born.

Dark and stately is the warm, graceful tenderness of the Sarabande

The importance of an artist is bringing new signs into a language.

I believe that the difference in genre of movies is a small thing.

I heard that Trump said even smelling a book makes him feel tired.

I was born in Shanghai and moved to Hong Kong the year I was five.

I ask of cinema what most North Americans ask of psychedelic drugs.

It's taken some getting used to, that my father actually is a hero.

Anorexia is pernicious and not something which goes away overnight.

A lot of superhero sequel movies, they resemble each other greatly.

I am very impulsive and very stupid sometimes, but I am very clean.

I move from realism to fantasy without the spectator ever noticing.

To find a script that works with provocative ideas is hard to find.

At my age, no one is married, no one has kids, no one has a career.

Myth is the facts of the mind made manifest in a fiction of matter.

I think you only see experiences as defining moments with distance.

My films are like clouds: their meaning keeps changing every minute.

I don't want to just love my family; I want to love all of humanity.

Once Ive finished a film I just want to get on and make another one.

Sometimes when you're going fast, your instincts can be very useful.

Animals are companions on this planet, not necessarily our feedbags.

When it comes to practically everything, we seem to be of two minds.

Can we call a moratorium on the use of the term 'ladyparts'? Grazia!

All the director wants is their idea of the movie to be believed in.

I think any big success is paralyzing. I have observed it in others.

Most liberals I know were for invading Afghanistan right after 9/11.

I'm very blessed and fortunate that people want to go see my movies.

I'm not emotionally excited by the power of cinema's tricks anymore.

That's the absurdity of Twitter. You can react without thinking now.

I've made lots of big decisions in my life that have shocked people.

With photography, I like to leave a lot of the story, even to myself.

The good thing about feature films is that the budgets tend to scale.

For better or worse, I am as fascinated with human flaws as anything.

When I write I'm never really thinking about themes or the universal.

You should always go where there is a 'you-shaped' hole in the world.

If we say, 'The government sucks,' we're kind of saying that we suck.

I was a good little boy and a good student. I've never been arrested.

I think people should start to practice the words 'President Romney.'

I don't want to be pigeonholed into the guy who's against everything.

Art is not journalism. In art, you don't make it to convey a message.

Sorry, there's nothing like a screaming baby to make a mother twitch.

MAMMOOTTY has presented an outstanding performance in film'New Delhi'

In movies, images cost - if you want a big image, it takes more money.

To every little girl, her father is a hero. My father actually is one.

As long as you keep your budgets small, there's a way of making films.

My interest in filmmaking was always very much the visuals and images.

I want to be an old lady, with my cane, shouting, 'Action!' and 'Cut!'

Shoot a few scenes out of focus. I want to win the foreign film award.

I'll bet living in a nudist colony takes all the fun out of Halloween.

I've always been drawn to all sorts of genres and all sorts of voices.

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