If art is not a medicine for the society, it is a poison.

Develop a clean line of action for your leading character

I would rather sleep in a bathroom than in another hotel.

I see technology as being an extension of the human body.

'Duel' is one of the greatest suspense films of all time.

When the system does not recognize me I'm not devastated.

I make my pictures for what Hollywood spends on lipstick.

A lot of people on Capitol Hill don't want to talk to me.

A dramatic writer should never tell anything he can show.

I am attracted to bad people because they are very human.

People say that my movies are violent. I do not think so.

A pair of skis are the ultimate transformation to freedom

I want to try and be instinctive as a writer and director.

You have to have a dream so you can get up in the morning.

I have been playing video games since the Atari 2600 days.

I think of horror films as art, as films of confrontation.

Nah, I've done sex scenes before, you know, like in video.

I, for one, suffer from a little bit of superhero fatigue.

If I worked in my apartment, I'd never leave my apartment.

I've been hiding crucial events in my life since I was 13.

We forget that the water cycle and the life cycle are one.

In a thriller, the camera's an active narrator, or can be.

I seriously consider television to be the people's medium.

My films are always a reflection of where I am in my life.

Ever since Two Daughters I've been composing my own music.

My aim is to reflect the actual human-scape, a little bit.

Verily, a man without fear is either dead or happy to die.

Revenge can only be found on the road to self-destruction.

You can't get to wonderful without passing through alright.

[on pop idol Donny Osmond] He has Van Gogh's ear for music.

Forgive me, but what is the purpose of drama but catharsis?

You have the possibility to give light a dimension in time.

Hell hath no fury like a woman who has accidentally napped.

I don't think anyone would want to come to my gallery show.

Age is something that doesn't matter unless you're a cheese

Nobody was talking about healthcare until 'Sicko' came out.

I and you and everyone else has to be a political activist.

I'm both an artist / filmmaker and a human rights defender.

The system gives you two minutes to phrase a whole history.

If there's one thing I can't stand, it's not being noticed.

What you call life is but a dream, and reality is relative.

Failure doesn't mean anything, it just means changing paths.

George Harrison wanted to play the thief in 'Holy Mountain.'

Every filmmaker imbues a movie with their own point of view.

I don't watch trailers, I like to go into every movie fresh.

I've been very lucky in my life to have some great teachers.

After love, the most sacred gift you can give is your labor.

The desire to be loved is really death when it comes to art.

I know that when I'm writing, I always want to be directing.

As a father, I wanted to make a movie that my kids can love.

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