I tried to make the best music that I could possibly make, and then nothing was ever good enough.

I'm such a spiritual man. I think that displayed in the music throughout the course of my career.

Everybody think they're famous when they get 100,000 followers on Instagram and 5,000 on Twitter.

I'm from Chicago and that's where I created all of my most prized possesions, which are my songs.

My mother was from upstate New York; she's of Irish and German descent. My father was from Ghana.

I'm like Donatello. For real. You probably want to come play your joints for me get my condolence.

If you don't feel the blues, then you're not listening. Then you're just a professor or something.

Even through the unseen, I know that God watches, From one King's dream, he was able to Barack us.

DJ Jazzy Jeff is the best DJ you can have at a party. Did you see his playlist? He has good taste.

There's no New York rapper who's out that is competing with me because first of all, I'm the best.

Rap has always had a braggadocios flavour to it. That goes all the way back to 'Rapper's Delight.'

I don't really engage much in the creative community. I just kind of keep to myself and do my work.

Technology has opened up the music business 100-fold and provided space for all kinds of new faces.

You always hear people say, 'I just want to live comfortably.' And I'm like, 'What does that mean?'

It seems so odd to me, an odyssey How honesty is honestly the rarest thing upon us Its astonishing.

Drinking all day Big chiefing at night I keep my eyes red and tight So that my teeth can look white

I'd say my style is all me, It's different from other artist even in my city or outside of my city.

That's right I never hold my tongue for saving face Even the mic feedback will humm "Amazing Grace"

'Going Back to Cali' is one of my favorite songs because of all the East Coast - West Coast rivalry.

A lot of rappers been putting out a lot of sub-par visuals. I feel like the visuals could be better.

Holding onto negativity makes you sick, I strongly believe that. So I release negativity by writing.

My occupation doesn't really allow for routines, but I'm pretty consistent about tea in the morning.

I wanted to tell my story in a way I haven't done before, things I've been going through in my life.

Deliverance is about what I went through the first time. And I chalk it up as a learning experience.

Uh oh, it's beer o'clock, I think I'm sober. How about we think this over, over a can of King Cobra?

Scared of a bunch of water? Then get out the rain. Order a rapper for lunch, and spit out the chain.

That dark humor has always been a part of what I've done. It's always been somewhat tongue-in-cheek.

Labels are curators of taste, and the best ones know how to monetize what an artist is trying to do.

I get attention like a Lexus, girls wanna sex this Play rappers like Tetris...eat em like breakfast.

Young, wild, and free, my whole life ahead of me. So I'm drinking heavily, steadily making memories.

I had white family members, black family members, white friends, black friends by the time I was 16.

I just like music all the way around the board. I can't stick to one thing - I've got to move around.

Music is such a powerful tool, and there are so many people who need love and encouragement and hope.

Come close to me baby. Let your love hold you. I know this world is crazy, but what's it without you?

Not everyone is the same. You can't label a person just because of what they do or what they've done.

Everyone just wants to feel good, and I don't think that all music is designed to make you feel good.

Joe Budden TV is life through the eyes of Joe Budden. You've gotta go check it out - it's pretty fun.

All of us, as citizens, need to kind of get over our classisms and vote for the betterment of us all.

I don't think that we should look to celebrities to solve problems that are on our end of the street.

I've never been the type of artist to plateau or have a big peak in my career and then a big decline.

Instead of me keeping my art a personal thing, we can use it to save lives, change lives and inspire.

Back in the days when I was young I'm not a kid anymore But some days I sit and wish I was a kid again

There are a million and one fear tactics, just kick it out and at least be able to say that you tried.

I feel that my ear candy is a little different from the ear candy most people are receiving right now.

You could either ignore this advice, or take it from me: Be too nice, and people take you for a dummy.

Listenin to nothin, takin no suggestions, All destructive criticisms that can't improve on perfection.

A good rapper is a good rapper, a good album is a good album. I don't think anyone is inherently good.

If you ask me what people want from me, they would probably just want me to be true to what I'm doing.

I don't think hip-hop is a dying art form. I think it's impossible for hip-hop to be a dying art form.

Writing is sort of like chess for me. You have to think carefully before you move, thinking, planning.

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