I think that's the most important thing-two things really, have fun and be yourself.

Catch a throatful from the fire vocal Ashing and molten glass like Eyjafjallajökull.

The motto goes: Sex, Drugs and Rock 'n' Roll. I prefer: Love, Hugs and Hip-Hop Soul.

I download music everyday, I know music is free and so does everybody else you know.

[Positive mental attitude] is a practice, you gotta practice. I practice being still.

God works in different ways and it shows... And everybody knows, love comes and goes.

Your Monday is not going to be like Saturday; the emotions are going to be different.

The freedom of speech and the freedom of press, it's just precious man, it really is.

I'm a bombshell, so I'm going to do me. If I want to go platinum, I'm going platinum.

Raise your right palm: We do solemnly swear To stack more dough more calmly this year.

50 Cent's a songwriter. He understood and liked my music, but he didn't understand me.

I'm scared to be political. You get too powerful, and more people try to take you out.

Today I feel like it's about people just looking fresh and their records aren't fresh.

I have respect for the sport so I will contribute to the sport by encouraging artists .

It's really rare in life that a situation is as black and white as we tend to paint it.

I took it upon myself to paint a better picture of rural life and what it is all about.

I was always taught my do's and don'ts: For do's I did, and for don'ts, I said I won't.

We've done a lot of shows and a few albums without Dirty. He was a wild and crazy dude.

There are some places where you want to get money, but it's not really about the money.

I've been a music fan all my life, and you know the difference when the musicians care.

I'm the type that'll give any man a chance to come correct before leavin in a ambulance

When my girl do better than me, I still win. When I do better than her, she still wins.

We're all just cats trying to be original, which is what I think being a B-boy is about.

I used to do design before I was actually rapping. I went to art and design high school.

The same things go on everywhere, whether you're from the city, the country or wherever.

Never lookin' back or too far in front of me; the present is a gift and I just wanna be.

I'm not really one of these people who's been known for particularly hopeful sentiments.

One of the basic principles when you dealing with mathematics and Islam: Seek knowledge.

God I hear you giving me an earfull but I'm gonna cruise in 5th gear until I'm near you.

The older I get, the more of an anarchist I become, and I don't mean in a punk rock way.

Been brainwashed since age 2 I only had imaginary friends And still do And they hate you

I think there's a certain stigma that comes with being a white rapper and having a show.

I don't have a problem with how people receive the music. I feel like it's for everybody.

Time is real, we can't rewind it... Out of everybody I met, who told the truth? Time did.

I think that people have been claiming hip-hop as being dead since the moment it started.

Too many songs, weak rhymes that's mad long. Make it brief son: half short, twice strong!

Live a life full of humility, gratitude, intellectual curiosity, and never stop learning.

I've never been platinum. I've never sold out an arena. I've never been on an arena tour.

I just do whatever I feel. Whatever the beat makes me say, I do that and I run with that.

The neighbors prefer I don't do vocals at night. It gets a little iffy when I'm screaming.

When I record in a studio. I know that on Tuesday at 3 o'clock I've got to go be creative.

I don't like calling it Christian rap. Titles are so limiting. It's hip-hop. I'm a rapper.

I want to bring meaningful conversations to the table, and I want to shake some things up.

No matter how successful you become... there's always that sense that you could be better.

Happiness isn't about getting what you want all the time; it's about loving what you have.

I just want people to understand have fun, enjoy your time, enjoy your time on this Earth.

You put a piece of music out, and it's not in your hands anymore, and that's cool with me.

So many programs you watch on the sofa, But the real program sit on top of your shoulders.

I kept buying bucket hats. Next thing I knew, I felt like I didn't look right without one.

I was raised by a woman and I'm the middle child of two sisters who are young Black women.

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