There's a responsibility as a musician to do the music that you want to hear.

You'll never get me to speak religion. You'll never get me to speak politics.

I feel like people can feel when something is natural. I think they can tell.

Make sure you don't become the very thing you find yourself fighting against.

I'm kinda like a needle in a haystack right now cause I haven't blown up yet.

Prince is one of my biggest idols of all time, and he's the real King of Pop.

I'm just a demon that means well. Freelance for God, but do the work of Satan.

MCs are authors, and rock musicians who write lyrics are authors, to a degree.

90% trust peers on social networks (even strangers); only 15-18% trust brands.

Personally more so than shock, I think, rap music has to be born of rebellion.

Pass the bone, kid pass the bone, Let's get on this mission like Indiana Jones

I have a 20-year-old son, I have a 12-year-old son and I'm so afraid for them.

Let's test the waters... Love makes a splash, and you too thick to skinny-dip.

I appreciate this moment in time...ball players and actors be knowing my rhymes

What makes me different from everybody else just boils down to dissatisfaction.

The futile and exhausting existence of a purgatory-like law enforcement system.

The fact that I'm in a group that inspires others artists is just heaven to me.

I'm happy to be for people what Scarface, Ice Cube, and Rakim have been for me.

I need, sometimes, individuals to spark an idea so that I can take off running.

I keep people around me that have the freedom to challenge my heart and motive.

Get a team of like-minded individuals around you. Understand this is hard work.

There's smoke in my iris, but I painted a sunny day on the insides of my eyelids

The older I get, the less I care about what’s cool. I realize I’m old and weird.

I love a cool cellphone as much as the next guy, but, god, I hate when it rings.

New York City is the greatest city on the planet. It's the capital of the world.

I don't know how many times we have to be reminded that life is extremely short.

The impact of a conscious artist is necessary, and it ripples through the world.

Anything that gets to the more emotional and dark side of music, I always enjoy.

I like to practice being still and I feel like that promotes a lot of positivity.

Artwork, films, TV - it's always informed my work, no matter what I'm working on.

Be honest, be brutally honest, and if you want something go out there and get it.

I came from the South Side of Chicago wanting to be a rap artist and make videos.

Emotion is a broad spectrum and I just been to a lot of sides of my own emotions.

I feel like God's given me a gift that I want to steward and share with the world.

Doing acting opened up other creative outlets; it made me feel freer as an artist.

You take music out of life and love. I don't want to be on a planet without music.

I ain't drop an album since I was 25. I rap way better. I've experienced way more.

Biggie is my favorite rapper, for sure. No other artist has impacted me that much.

The devil only exists because of your belief in him; same goes for that other guy.

I grew up in a loving household that taught me how to respect others and love God.

I always use familiarity in my music, whether it's in my song writing or whatever.

I don't even know how to sell a piece of artwork of mine because it's so personal.

I think if the desire to improve what I do starts to plateau then what's the point.

I’ve found that God often lets us taste how sweet he is in our most bitter moments.

I am the unarmed black kid who maybe needed a hand, but instead was given a bullet.

My whole mode is to do what I want to do and let people understand me through that.

Hip-hop became the voice of rebellion and the youth, as rock music did in the '60s.

I can slay a devil when I see one, Steady practice mastery of self so not to be one

At Revolt, everyone's always open minded and always coming together for a solution.

No religion, I'm just so explicit, I coexist in places you would never know existed.

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