I don't like fake people.

Pain is part of the sport.

Think street, train sport.

Winning solves everything.

I've wrestled all my life.

Pride is an amazing thing.

The future belongs to God.

I won't cling to the past.

Attitude determines effort.

I work hard and fight easy.

I kind of love Cole Miller.

Become important to others.

I want the undisputed belt.

Nobody stays young forever.

In MMA, I found my calling.

I don't owe nobody nothing.

I never picked an opponent.

Belief is a powerful thing.

I squeeze like an anaconda.

Good health is true wealth.

UFC have the best fighters.

I know I can beat Jon Jones.

Don't impersonate. Innovate.

Speed is the essence of war.

Machines don't use machines.

Heart and mind overcome all.

I'm familiar with adversity.

I never took the easy route.

I don't like to rush things.

A lot of fighters are cocky.

I follow a very strict diet.

I want to make the UFC money.

Jon Jones is a great fighter.

If you deserve it, go get it.

What can I say? I'm a talker.

Always think and be positive.

I live a wild and crazy life.

No, I don't play video games.

Love lost can be found again.

Big respect to Dan Henderson.

Study is a life long pursuit.

I don't drink, I don't smoke.

Just believe, it will happen.

WWE is there for the soldiers.

I'm a huge supporter of Trump.

Know yourself, to know others.

Movement for me is meditation.

I have a pretty high fight IQ.

Destiny doesn't make mistakes.

I'm pretty bad at video games.

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