My music is jazz.

I hate my own attorneys!

My senses tell me hubba.

Love the one you're with.

I'm a creature of comfort.

All girls want to be sexy.

My past is a bit checkered.

My good friends call me Bobby.

I don't steal things. I'm rich.

I refuse to live my life in fear.

I see music as a lifetime affair.

You slow down when you get older.

My music has never been a failure.

The ultimate crime is not to care.

I was just fascinated by the blues.

Loveless moments are to be avoided.

One thing the blues ain't, is funny.

The easiest thing to feel is sadness.

If you went crazy, would you know it?

The secret of life is to have no fear.

When I do things, I do things honestly.

I play Rock 'n' Roll, that's what I do.

Simplicity is not the same as stupidity

There must be a God because he made me.

The best formula for revenge is success.

I pissed on my diploma, smell the aroma.

I've always had a love of country music.

Look upon yourself only with compassion.

Behind every tree there's a new monster.

When you're all alone, love one another.

My goal is to get quieter as I get older.

I am really just writing about real life.

What about a blues in W, in the key of W.

They may be stupid, but they sure are fun.

My ideas are threatening to the government.

Rock 'n' roll is much easier if you're white

There are three things men can do with women

I'm a bit of a gunner on the QWERTY keyboard.

Live for the moments you can't put into words

Rock 'n' roll is much easier if you're white.

I hold the Key to my Own Success! (You do too!)

I'm no saint but I do believe in what is right.

I wonder how many eggs are in the golden goose?

In Nigeria they convict by law, not by the truth

I think celebrity endorsements hurt politicians.

Detroit: Cars and rock 'n' roll. Not a bad combo.

But I'm a great father. That's why I got custody.

My country will be a symbol of free human society.

As a fan of Kanye West, working with him is insane.

I could write a book on the things I've done drunk.

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