Rap's the occupation, but one day watch I'll be Pimp of the Nation.

Instead of asking for help, I just dig in and do everything myself.

Things begin, things decay, and you've got to find a way to be okay.

Keep searchin’ for your mystery note on the universal piano of life.

Our lives feel like these epochs, but really we are dust in the wind.

I want to be able to write on my walls. I think that's the big thing.

Go where you're celebrated, not tolerated. I'm celebrated in Detroit.

I don't tell 'U.S. Weekly' which parties I'm going to. I write songs.

I wish we could just stay on the bandstand, it's so peaceful up here.

I'd like to continue to play until I drop dead on stage or something.

The problem turned out to be that I never was that kind of an artist.

Our lives feel like these epochs, but really, we are dust in the wind.

I love to be pushed so I can prove myself, because once again, I will.

When you're on TV in America, the girls love you. I'm not complaining.

External instruments are only extensions of the biological instrument.

I could care less about what people think. I'm a Devil Without A Cause.

I've got friends who didn't vote. I want to smack them upside the head.

I do not understand rehab. If it works for people, then God bless them.

My dad also plays a little banjo and guitar, my mom plays the mandolin.

I like a nice rumble on bass, openness on guitar and drums that breathe.

When you come to a place like Kauai, you don't go for a high tech world.

Getting married is the most fun you can have in life. Being married sucks

I have a couple of guys to do my laundry. Just because I'm lazy and rich.

To be honest and truthful in all endeavours is an experience, not a regret

A lot of people told me that I'm committing musical suicide with my sound.

I started on acoustic guitar after I heard Leadbelly and Big Bill Broonzy.

I won't squander my credibility, whatever that is, just for one silly song.

I prefer hallucinations cause they tend to make more sense than experience.

When you're in prison, you can't do anything about what's happening outside.

Spiritually speaking, every human being has a destiny and a duty to perform.

I'm barely at home enough to enjoy the simple lifestyle that I want to live.

I spend most of my time in London but I come back to Ireland whenever I can.

Marriage is a terrible institution, it creates such a regression of the mind.

My take on rap is driven by straightforward American southern rock and blues.

I didn't even have a record player as a kid, so everything was down to radio.

The only albatross is the hurt you divine from what people say about your art

Every day when I get home from work, I feel so frustrated, my boss is a jerk.

Quality is free, however - the Management Systems that proliferate it are not.

The only albatross is the hurt you divine from what people say about your art.

It's not that I'm Mr. Goody-Two-Shoes now, but I've got my priorities in order.

I am scared of being broke and famous. I think that would be the biggest curse.

When people get married, it enhances their relationship and puts strains on it.

Classical music gives musicians a kick. But African music gives everyone a kick.

I got into rock and roll to piss my parents off and the establishment around me.

What a unique opportunity to be in town. I love townies. I value it, so to speak.

Good music grows with age like a fine wine it's gets better and better over time.

Everyone has been a witness sometime - It doesn't change it if you don't believe.

In my opinion, the P-90 is the best pickup for slide - it has the right overtones.

My father was not really into popular music; I had to learn about that for myself.

I don't need to improve the look of my own if I don't even know what it looks like.

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