Europeans don't seem to have the groupie mentality.

I liked Slash. He's a nice guy and can really play.

I guess country music works better in supermarkets.

I'm a pretty shy guy when it comes to girls and sex.

It's dangerous when music gets cornered by anything.

I was the little white kid who rocked the turntables

Fear is the lock and laughter the key to your heart.

If you only get one song, it has to be Bullfrog Blues

I could never leave my home.... It inspires me a lot.

I know every Skynyrd and about all Johnny Cash songs.

Without Tony Allen, there would have been no Afrobeat.

Speak out. You've got to speak out against the madness

Music is the weapon. Music is the weapon of the future.

I always believed it would happen and stuck to my guns.

All it is, is a tone. So I'm gonna come back as a note!

Today I saw a car crush my little dog under it's wheel.

I take the invasion of my personal space very seriously.

Love between the ugly, is the most beautiful love of all

You get what you put in and people get what they deserve.

David knew everyone because he's such a social butterfly.

I don't want to work, I want to bang on the drum all day.

I take the invasion of my personal space very seriously...

Chris Rock is a good friend of mine, and he is hysterical.

Touring doesn't have to be a harried, cliched way of life.

If it is not fit to live in, then our job is to make it fit.

I'm not your average politician. I believe in higher forces.

I think I'm going to lead my people one day. I'm sure of it.

I've always made music from the heart, and that's what I do.

Politicians and music don't mix. It's like whiskey and wine.

But it's as big as the promise, the promise of a coming day.

Getting married was a ball. Being married was... a nightmare.

I don't tell lies about anybody. That's why i win all my wars.

Music must awaken people to do their duty as citizens and act.

The music of Africa is big sound: it's the sound of a community

People who have memorized your songs-how can you not love them?

The human spirit is stronger than any government or institution.

I've paid for more pianos in hotel lobbies than you can imagine.

If you can't be with the one you love, love the one you're with.

A common man, even like myself, I don't know how to pay my taxes.

Why does anything ever happen? Some things happen and some don't.

If you don't know who I am, I probably make a sound you may like.

My message was 'Think African. Make schools read African history.'

An African man should not do anything called housework or cooking.

I've studied my culture deeply and I'm very aware of my tradition.

You never have to be scared to look to the future for opportunity.

I don't rock for Cancer. I rock for cash, and the topless dancers.

Out stretched hands and one night stands, still I can't find love.

Being married sucked. Maybe for some people it is not meant to be.

Hardly a day goes by without me sticking on a Muddy Waters record.

Have your friends collect your records and then change your number.

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