The results I've seen with Bodyshred have been far superior to any program that I've ever created.

Know your audience. If I don't share in a way that will be understood, I lose my ability to connect.

To benefit your metabolism, your appetite, and your waistline, snacks need to have protein and fiber.

Strengthening the lower back helps develop that sexy curve everyone wants from your back to your bum.

I'm not a vegan - especially when it comes to protein quality. I stick with the traditional proteins.

Make it a joint effort. Doing a workout with a partner or trainer can motivate you to reach your goals.

When you do hit the gym, you should push yourself. This is what makes fitness phenomena so interesting.

I've wanted to be in daytime television for a long time, because that's where you can convey a message.

When the biceps become too strong, it brings the shoulders forward and makes for a gorilla-like posture.

Some people might sleep eight hours and wake up exhausted because they're not getting good quality sleep.

The path to obesity is paved with bacon and white bread; the way to skinny is built on apples and Ezekiel.

I think it's good for people sometimes to get out of their own environments - there are less distractions.

Work is in the word 'workout.' But I try to put some levity to it because you've got to want to come back.

Nobody is perfect, so get over the fear of being or doing everything perfectly. Besides perfect is boring.

The way to get motivated and stay motivated is to identify, define, and emotionally connect to your dreams.

There's always room for improvement. I incorporate the lessons I learned from my mistakes and move forward.

Make 80 percent of the food you eat healthy, then take 20 percent of your daily calories and make them fun.

Whenever you're making an important decision, first ask if it gets you closer to your goals or farther away.

I like to train the body from as many different angles as possible to use every modality available to do it.

Gardening is not my thing. You're digging in the dirt, and then a couple of months later, something happens.

Constant deprivation is no way to live. Don't always skip the delicious stuff for raw carrots and brown rice.

Dark bread like rye or pumpernickel is much healthier than the refined white bread favored by many Americans.

Try not to say, 'I'm a failure.' Instead, ask, 'What can I do better? What did I do wrong?' Then re-approach.

No carbs after lunch is one of the hardest (rules) to follow. But if you follow this rule YOU WILL lose weight

Journalists don't need a get-out-of-jail-free card, ... Instead we should be given more access to information.

If you want to "tone and build," it is time to pick up some iron - that's the way we can get a muscle to grow.

Though typically paired with words like 'organic,' 'harvest,' or 'natural,' almost all granolas are fattening.

I train in different modalities so that each muscle is targeted twice a week, with two days of rest in between.

There is really no room in any healthy diet for trans fat, artificial sweeteners, and artificial colors in food.

We all have to work for happiness. And you cannot listen to other people. That is the worst mistake you can make.

Try a recipe that uses leafy vegetables like kale, or switch to filling, high fiber grains like whole-wheat pasta.

You know when transformation happens? Right now. It’s a present activity. Who is the new you? Show me the new you.

Sleep plays an important role in overall well-being and especially in recovery during particularly intense training.

Use music to motivate you. If I had to pick one song to work out to on repeat, it would be Prince's 'Let's Go Crazy.'

In my experience, honesty is the best policy. And being a friend to somebody is not always the best way to help them.

There are millions of people who do want help. I'm not going to waste my time convincing people who aren't receptive.

Witnessing the bond between a parent and their little ones firsthand really brought home to me how much I was missing.

Stop talking about tomorrow. You owe it to yourself to do whatever you can to live you can to live a better life today.

At its core, health is simple: eat the right amount for your body, don't ingest chemicals or fake foods, and move more.

You've got to listen to the universe, to life, to God, whatever you want to call it. Because its going to speak to you.

A toned backside truly anchors your physique and can make the difference between jeans fitting and jeans really fitting.

Be brave and be patient. Have faith in yourself; trust in the significance of your life and the purpose of your passion.

It's important to stay true to yourself. You have to know your weaknesses and recruit support when and where you need it.

I wish I had some strapping football player husband. It would be such a dream to be 'normal' like that, but I'm just not.

Try not to make every eating transgression at once. When I go out, I won't ever do both dessert and drinks. Just pick one.

Kanye has been a good friend for ten years. He flew back from London to Los Angeles for 24 hours just to go to my wedding.

I love to see people win. You can literally see a person change through achievement on this emotional and spiritual level.

The United States is far too efficient. We've lost the ceremony of eating. People don't eat at home and cook meals at home.

Get yourself a pedometer. It's an inexpensive device that fits in your pocket or clips on your pants and counts your steps.

You can dramatically affect the expression of your metabolism and your biochemistry by the way you eat and the way you live.

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