Every now and again, you just gotta hit something. Not someone - something.

Strong, not skinny, is now sexy, and long workouts are a thing of the past.

I love the convenience of a protein shake, and not just for after a workout.

The truth is that you are as unique on the inside as you are on the outside.

I'm tired of good people getting ripped off by diet products that don't work!

I prioritize people. This grounds me and reminds me of my place in the world.

Yoga is the fountain of youth. You're only as young as your spine is flexible.

Life is too short. If we're in Italy, have pizza and pasta. But not every day.

Fitness isn’t about building a better body. It’s about building a better life.

Whenever I've had a rough day, I like to pour my frustration into my workouts.

The summer months should motivate you to stay in shape during the winter months.

Both cardio and resistance training are essential for looking and feeling great.

My dad was a crazy person, but some of the best qualities about me came from him.

Being gay doesn't mean that you are less than anybody else. It's just who you are.

Ladies, don't be afraid of getting big, bulky arm muscles from resistance exercise.

If you really want to thrive, I would say you need a minimum of 12,000 steps a day.

Fitness to me isn't about a crunch or a push up, it's about taking your power back.

The more you change and stress the body the quicker it's going to adapt and change.

There's a confidence and sense of self that comes with age that I didn't anticipate.

Protein helps your insulin levels not spike and helps you not store your food as fat.

In addition to protein, edamame is a great source of fiber and mono-unsaturated fats.

It seems at times fate knocks on people's door, and they are too afraid to pursue it.

I had my nose done when I was 16 years old, and I'll be honest: it did change my life.

If you're always trying to do a good job, then something good is going to come from it.

If you don't own traditional dumbbells, you can also use soup cans or bottles of water.

Most people make the mistake of over-training the biceps and under-training the triceps.

Lentils, beans, and other legumes, such as chickpeas, are all excellent sources of fiber.

Selfish isn't a dirty word. It means we take care of ourselves and are able to give back.

If you want to be right-sized in body, you've got to get rid of the supersize way of life.

The first thing people lose on a diet is their sense of humor. Keep it fun. Keep it light.

If you have the means, I would highly recommend using supplementations for optimal health.

There is no such thing as a healthy cleanse. It's the worst thing you can do for your body.

I've designed exercise video games, running shoes, healthy beverages, and workout equipment.

There are things you think you cannot do. You have no idea how strong you are until you try.

If you focus on all the things that could go wrong, you miss the things that could go right.

Transformation in real life is extraordinarily incremental, and that's all I'm going to say.

People that know me know I'm very good about doing my own thing and minding my own business.

The reality is that most of the time, the more bizarre the trend, the more bogus the results.

Look several months ahead, see where the obstacles lie, and figure out ways to overcome them.

Everyone is trying to make ends meet, and even if you aren't, no one wants to get ripped off.

Your ChoicES TodaY DeterMinE Your TomorroW And You Make YouR LifE ThrougH The PoweR OF Choice

I always advise eating regular meals — a mix of healthy carbs, protein and fruits and veggies.

I always train my weaknesses and work on my shortcomings - in the gym and outside the gym. Ha!

It's important that we have a global perspective and look abroad and learn from our neighbors.

Life? You can't manipulate it or bend it to your will. You have no choice but to roll with it.

One of my acting teachers once said that rejection is God's protection. There's something in it.

The irony is that I'm actually a very empathetic person, but I don't believe in sympathy at all.

Eating breakfast revs our metabolic engines so that they're ready for prime calorie burn all day.

I was picked on as a kid. I had a nose the size of a softball plus braces and acne. It was rough.

The adoption process was not an easy one. The paperwork took nine months. It's a full-time thing!

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