Trying to change social, national, or global realities without working on human consciousness means there is no serious intention.

If you want to really know higher dimensions of life, there needs to be a constant sense of peacefulness and joyfulness within you

If you think one thing is sacred but you cannot stand the other, if you love the Creator but hate the creation, that is vulgarity.

The hand of the Creator is actively involved in every atom, every plant, every creature, and yourself, in every cell in your body.

Every breath you take, you are getting closer to the grave. But every breath you take, you can also get closer to your liberation.

For wealth to translate into wellbeing, you need a spiritual element within you. Without that, your success will work against you.

The important things for me are stability, consistency and love, and I have that through my family, so that's a great place to be.

My book 'Things Get Better' has normalised the idea that it's OK to fail and it's OK to seek professional help from psychologists.

Make sure you never, never argue at night. You just lose a good night's sleep, and you can't settle anything until morning anyway.

Do not imprison those about you to your way of thinking; give your companion the opportunity to interpret life as freely as you do.

Avoid trouble with those who are fanatics; they remain imprisoned in exclusivism and deserve compassion just as any other prisoner.

Ignoring the source of creation and trying to conduct your life yourself is a terribly egoistic and ignorant attitude towards life.

Once you touch a dimension which is boundless, the idea of time and space disappears. What is here is there; what is there is here.

Mental alertness is not awareness. Mental alertness only enhances your survival instincts. It does not take you towards liberation.

Gossip is a kind of misalignment with people around you. You can either gossip about everyone, or you can become one with everyone.

Making conclusions about life is a sure way to deny yourself the possibility of a human being transforming himself into the Divine.

There are so many things that can happen to us in life where you think, 'I can't cope. I can't deal with it,' but you probably can.

There's a long history of artificial intelligence programs that try to mimic what the brain is doing, but they've all fallen short.

Meditation is the only way to freedom from stress as it is a dimension beyond the mind. All the stress and struggle are of the mind.

Devotion is the spark that can fire up your chemistry and energy to such a level that it creates an explosion of ecstasy within you.

Devotion is not drama. Devotion is a way of living. Devotion is the way you walk, the way you breathe, and the way your heart beats.

When we step into a new terrain, we experience vast uncertainty. Uncertainty is just a situation that you do not know how to handle.

I don't have to pretend to be someone I'm not and I think talking so openly about my story gave me acceptance that it's ok to be me.

My father was a great innovator in public life, but when it came to raising his daughters, no one could have been more conservative.

I met Jeb Bush in 1971 in my hometown in Mexico. We dated for three years back and forth. Then, after three years, he proposed to me.

A human being is like a seed. Either you can keep it as it is, or you can make it grow into a wonderful tree with flowers and fruits.

Only when you stop identifying yourself with things that are not you, the possibility of knowing the nature of your existence arises.

Somebody accumulates a lot of muscle and think himself to be a big man. But this big man is only big when all around him are smaller.

Seattle has a long tradition of celebrating local and non-local art - from the Burke and Seattle Art Museums to the Asian Art Museum.

As a programmer, you're working with very simple structures compared to the brain. So I was always fascinated by how the brain works.

I think, as an owner, you really want to do the team right, the fans right, and the community right and build a winning organization.

I always have been a private person. I like to be alone. When I was a little girl I used to listen to the radio and just be by myself.

Water has memory. Depending on how you treat it, what kind of thoughts and emotions you generate, accordingly it behaves in your body.

I don't have opinions. Only if it is necessary for a particular action, I make a judgment. Opinions are fetters for your intelligence.

Generally, people who are not self-realized are full of themselves. One who is self-realized sees that the whole world is full of one.

What people don't realize is the human body and the brain are so well designed to do - by millions of years of evolution - what we do.

The soul that acquires the virtue of forgiveness won't find any more trouble. No matter what happens, he will know how to run his life.

Today, it is more important than ever to raise human consciousness, so that technology becomes a means of empowerment, not destruction.

With yoga, not only your body should become flexible - your mind and emotions, and above all your consciousness should become flexible.

Meditation means to know life beyond the sphere of the physical; to know and experience life not just at the surface but at the source.

Confusion is better than stupid conclusions. In confusion, there is still a possibility. In stupid conclusion, there is no possibility.

If your idea of a guru is from a calendar, who has candy-floss beard and a constipated look on the face, then definitely I am not that.

I find the function of the brain incredibly fascinating, and it's like trying to crack the toughest, most complicated problem there is.

I spent many, many hours in the stack at the University of Washington library just wandering around, when my dad was working, as a kid.

Moore's Law-based technology is so much easier than neuroscience. The brain works in such a different way from the way a computer does.

Once you realize that the way you exist right now is not enough, that there is something more, your spiritual process has already begun.

Spiritual process is not about chanting a mantra or closing your eyes, spiritual process is essentially about enhancing your perception.

If you see there is no meaning to anything that you are doing, your ego collapses; so you are trying to find all kinds of fake meanings.

What is most needed right now is evolving human consciousness. Without that, science, technology, development, everything will go waste.

If you do not choose to become a steady source of blissfulness for yourself and everything around you, you will remain an immature life.

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