There was a time when I'd resigned myself to never having my own family, so to fall pregnant with Belle was overwhelming.

I'm self-sufficient, but it's brilliant to have people in your life that you love, who love you and are important to you.

As a species, we've always been discoverers and adventurers, and space and the deep ocean are some of the last frontiers.

My greatest regret is not having gone to Wellesley College. it is something I have felt a little sad about my whole life.

For integrity to flourish in society, we have to nurture it - within ourselves, in our children, in our education systems.

Finding love is a two-part process. The first part is to find the right person. The second part is to be the right person.

Do not talk about the soul, heaven, or God. Talking about something that is not yet a reality for you amounts to falsehood.

Knowledge can only be limited. Ignorance is boundless. In recognizing our ignorance, we will touch that which is boundless.

We neither need a political revolution nor a religious revolution. What we need is an inner transformation in human beings.

Without being in constant exchange with the rest of the cosmos, you cannot exist. The idea of individuality is an illusion.

We are eating, using up, and possessing more than we should. That is why a large portion of the human population is hungry.

Everything that can be created has already been done in creation. As human beings, we can only imitate, not create as such.

People have to know that when momentum for a national movement has to be built, basic things have to be talked about first.

But like everyone else I've come to the sad realisation food banks are an all-too-common feature on the streets of Britain.

I am who I am and I don't pretend not to be single or burned. And men might not fancy me because I'm too short or too thin.

If you have the chance to realize some of these dreams you had as a kid, and you have the opportunity, why not pursue that?

My children were born into this. They will always be the grandchildren of the President and First Lady of the United States.

Life has come from a very beautiful source. If you remain in touch with that source, everything about you will be beautiful.

Life happens from within. How aware you are of it, decides the quality of your body, your mind, and your experience of life.

Until you allow yourself to blossom into a state of boundlessness, you should not be content, you must burn with discontent.

The moment you function in the world without being concerned about what is happening to life around you, you are a Criminal.

The Ebola virus is unlike any health crisis we have ever experienced and needs a response unlike anything we have ever seen.

Do not be perturbed with by an ill-bred person; in most cases the one who is unsociable has a liver complaint and bad nerves.

Whether it is your work, your love, or your life - unless you throw your entire self into it, you will never know what it is.

Devotion is not about a God. Devotion is about you making your emotions so sweet that your life experience becomes beautiful.

Another good rule for social media, I find, is to never type and post. Instead, be sure to type, pause, think, and then post.

Any teaching will not transform you as long as you are deeply attached to your body. Yoga is towards reducing this attachment.

If you want to be successful, don't seek success - seek competence, empowerment; do nothing short of the best that you can do.

In March 2008, when I was 24 years old, a man I had been dating arranged for an accomplice to throw sulphuric acid in my face.

Technology is notorious for engrossing people so much that they don't always focus on balance and enjoy life at the same time.

There can be no really pervasive system of oppression, such as that in the United States, without the consent of the oppressed

Too many people are hungry not because there is dearth of food. It is because there is dearth of love and care in human hearts.

The best thing that you can do to this world is to be joyous. Being joyful, is the greatest offering you can make to the world.

Knowing yourself has to always come from within. The outside can inspire or guide you, but knowing has to come from within you.

As a leader, you build trust when you give yourself 100%, so that people understand with your every action, you stand for them.

Essentially, all life on the planet is coming from the earth. Whether it is a human being or an earthworm, it is the same soil.

Not a day goes past when I don't think how grateful I am I survived, that I recovered and that I feel like a young woman again.

The brain was designed by evolution, so each part of it is optimized for what it does, and it's incredibly, incredibly complex.

If you cultivate your body, your mind, your emotions, and your energies to a certain level of maturity, meditation will blossom.

I have managed to conquer my fear of fire one fish at a time. I've gone from eating sushi to prawns, to baking sea bass fillets.

I would much rather be known as the mother of a great son than the author of a great book or the painter of a great masterpiece.

Once there is a distance between you and your thought process, a new freedom is born. With this freedom, a new perception arises.

Collaboration is far more powerful than competition. Do not think that only if you are pushed to the wall, you will do your best.

Your energy and your awareness are directly connected. If your energies are intense, your awareness naturally grows and sharpens.

Trees are our closest relatives. What trees exhale, we inhale; what we exhale, they inhale. They are half our respiratory system.

If you don't take yourself seriously, you will die joyfully. If you take yourself seriously, you will go through a lot of misery.

Sports is such a cyclical thing; it's often feast or famine. But what you try and do as an owner is build a winning organization.

Spiritual process is not for the dead or the dying; it is for the living who want to become fully alive in all dimensions of life.

The most fundamental and the most important aspect of the spiritual process can in no way be stopped by anybody - except yourself.

Being a seeker means no matter what the Vedas said, what Krishna or Shiva said, you have to know the truth in your own experience.

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