Seeking means admitting that you do not know. Once you have cleared your slate, truth can imprint itself upon it.

My life is written about as though I've had this idyllic ending. But a marriage is something you have to work at.

The worker faithful to the well has neither the intention, or time, to violate the name and the service of others.

I have three wonderful children. My husband is an absolutely wonderful, perfect husband and a father, most of all.

If you do a yoga that does not change the patterns of energy within you, I would say, don't waste your time on it.

If we transform our population into a trained, focused, balanced and inspired population, India will be a miracle.

I was in a town of about 10,000 people, and a shipping container with a rusty microscope was their medical clinic.

A sense of morality makes a person repetitive in thought and action. Such a person will obviously not get anywhere.

I never watch anything live, I record all my programmes and have a real binge on a Friday night and watch them all.

I'm not irreplaceable ... I'm nothing but grass growing on the ground; when the grass dies, another one replaces it.

Being spiritual is a far more intelligent way to exist. It means being in tune with the intelligence of the Creator.

If you evolve within you, there will be no pride, no prejudice. You will perform action out of pure, absolute sense.

It would be wonderful if this world was guided by little children, because they are closer to life than anyone else.

I love games, and I'll play any. Games are a way of training ourselves to be heavily involved without being serious.

Meditation is not an act, it is a quality. Meditation is not something that you do - it is something that you become.

If you want the Divine to become alive within you, first of all you as a human being have to become absolutely alive.

Integrity is not about the action but its purpose. Are you doing it for everyone's wellbeing or for your own benefit?

Your ability to love, to reach out, and to experience life is limitless. The limitation is only of the body and mind.

Once you have access to the source of creation within you, your health and wellbeing will naturally be taken care of.

Devotion is not a concept, not a certain kind of ideology, not a certain kind of act, it is the agent of dissolution.

The physical is only a small aspect of existence. In this cosmos, not even 1% is physical - the rest is non-physical.

Devotion means your limited entity has been dissolved; a much larger possibility has become a living reality for you.

I will continue to need operations and therapy for life. For acid attack survivors, the aftermath is a life sentence.

People know that I have adopted four principles in living my life: simple living, punctuality, hard work and prudence.

In terms of changes, the spiritual mentors teach me that I must not forget those relating primarily to improve myself.

Help the companion who is insecure; perhaps they do not have enough to supply their needs, while you retain an excess.

Whether you are running a business, an industry, or a nation - what is needed are insight, integrity, and inspiration.

A guru is like a live road map. If you want to walk uncharted terrain, I think it is sensible to walk with a road map.

I've been on record many times in the past about the challenge of being competitive with NBA teams in smaller markets.

I'm trying to transmit the visions of creativity and build institutions that are incredibly catalytic to their fields.

Yoga is the journey from just eating and sleeping to becoming an ecstatic being. This is the aspiration of life itself.

If you can break the illusion that you are separate and begin to experience the oneness of the existence, that is yoga.

When the very source of creation is within you, all the solutions are within you. The problems are just created by you.

Your personality is something that you created. Once you are aware of that, you could create it whichever way you want.

If anyone steps on your ego, instantly, he becomes your enemy. But a Guru is a friend who constantly tramples your ego.

Ignorance is not bliss. Ignorance is brutal. The brutality of ignorance is such that it will make you dead while alive.

If you strive to make yourself in such a way that nobody can help loving you, life will blossom, everything will yield.

You are a piece of creation. If you go against any other piece of creation, you are unknowingly going against yourself.

Your ideas need not have anything to do with reality. Making conclusions is a sure way of not enhancing our perception.

O' the blue-bodied cowherd - ever playful in love and war. Don't you fail to see the immensity of his wisdom and light.

Yoga means union. Union means the boundaries of the individual self-dissolve, and you experience existence as yourself.

I did weightlifting and bodyweight-focused exercises such as chin-ups, pull-ups and press-ups with my personal trainer.

You look at things you enjoy in your life, but much more important is what you can do to make the world a better place.

I have held Jimi Hendrix's Woodstock guitar and imagined what it would be like to play it, but that's the extent of it.

As an ex-programmer, I'm still just curious about how the brain functions, how that flow of information really happens.

When every moment, you experience yourself as the source of creation, not as a piece of creation, then you are realized.

Insight essentially means being able to see things other people are not able to see. This is the hallmark of leadership.

My vision for the country is to urbanise rural areas. What is available in the cities must be available in the villages.

In a company where tech decisions were still ultracentralized, the repercussions of a distracted CEO had to be damaging.

Your body and your mind can be receptacles to perceive the whole cosmos - if only you do not identify yourself with them.

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