As long as you are a part of the physical process of the existence, there is nothing that does not change.

Meditation does not mean you have to grin every moment of your life, but to learn to let your bones smile.

What we refer to as yoga is just a technology to make your energies function by choice, not by compulsion.

Seeing everything just the way it is gives you the power and capability to walk through life effortlessly.

Most of your desires are not really about yourself. You just picked them up from your social surroundings.

Devotion is a place where you do not exist; life just flows through you as a certain sweetness and beauty.

Spirituality is ultimate greed. You don't just want a piece of creation - you want the source of creation.

We think there is an ecological problem, but the real problem is irresponsible growth of human population.

If you pay sufficient attention, everything in life is magnificent, everything is a doorway to the Divine.

Spiritual process means approaching your well-being in a scientific manner as a technology for well-being.

If you don't have very strong emotions or very intense thoughts about something, you cannot get depressed.

The Eucharist is a never-ending sacrifice. It is the Sacrament of love, the supreme love, the act of love.

My daughter, unfortunately, is ill, because drug addiction is an illness. She's been fighting it for years.

No work is stressful. It is your inability to manage your body, mind, and emotions that makes it stressful.

Without raising human consciousness, whatever we do in the world will only lead to more and more suffering.

Sadhana is towards creating a sense of inner fulfillment, where there is no need to lean on anyone anymore.

If I'm not blessed with children of my own then I'd like to adopt one day - possibly a child from Pakistan.

It makes me very happy that people's perceptions of what's beautiful and attractive are gradually changing.

I was living alone, so I'd get quite lonely and running became a way to combat my loneliness and de-stress.

If you have an analytical bent like I do, going back to my days as a programmer, you like to ask questions.

In spirituality, when we say growth, we are talking about becoming smaller; not just smaller - non-existent.

Your thoughts and emotions are the drama that you create in your mind. You must be able to end it somewhere.

The very life within you is longing to be joyful because joyfulness is the nature of the source of creation.

Birds sing after a storm; why shouldn't people feel as free to delight in whatever sunlight remains to them?

Do not fret over the ignorant person; surely they have not had the opportunities which illuminated your path.

The most beautiful moments in life are moments when you are expressing your joy, not when you are seeking it.

The reason for fasting is to understand the relationship between what's you and what's the accumulative body.

I've tried to stop reading comments online because if you believe everything, it makes you feel like rubbish.

The thing is, once you're in the Super Bowl, you want to win. As time goes on, you want to win more and more.

The science and technology of how this life functions and what we can do with it, is what we refer to as yoga.

Your history is animal. Your future is divinity. Right now, you are like a pendulum, swinging between the two.

Unless you are oblivious to your own suffering, you have no right to be oblivious to other people's suffering.

The value of our good is not measured by what it does, but by the amount of good it does to the one concerned.

My high school in Seattle, Lakeside, seemed conservative on the surface, but it was educationally progressive.

What greater aspiration and challenge are there for a mother than the hope of raising a great son or daughter?

Do not try to be special. If you are simply ordinary, more ordinary than others, you will become extraordinary.

The roots of the Divine are entrenched in this body. If you nurture the roots, how can you avoid the flowering?

This is not just about talking or teaching a practice - this is about releasing an explosive energy of ecstasy.

There is a region beyond reason. Unless you get there, you will not know the sweetness of love, nor the Divine.

I don't have the answer to finding the balance because I think, well, maybe successful people don't switch off.

Do not try to fix whatever comes in your life. Fix yourself in such a way that whatever comes, you will be fine.

Being on the spiritual path means you want to be a success in an existential sphere, not just on a social level.

One significant thing that you can do for your children is to invest some time into taking them out into nature.

My perfect night in would be lots of bad food like biscuits and chocolate, and possibly an ice cold fizzy drink.

Even before I helped to co-found Microsoft, I saw a connected future . . . I called that future The Wired World.

Somehow, I knew you had to have perfect eyesight to be a test pilot, and so that was it for my astronaut career.

If you dissolve your personality, your presence becomes very powerful - this is the essence of spiritual sadhana.

When you are truly meditative, there is no time and space for you. Time and space is just a creation of the mind.

If you are truly a seeker of truth, truth cannot hide from you. It is in the lap of truth that you have happened.

If thinking minds, questioning minds, doubting minds, are talking about faith, their whole life will become fake.

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