When I die I want to go to Vogue.

Laugh a lot. It clears the lungs.

I don't value prizes of any sort.

If you want reality take the bus.

You're a legend in your own mind.

Get it out of your historic head.

All knowledge is self-reflective.

A good question has many answers.

The frame frames a frame of mind.

Photography is a generous medium.

The camera is the eye of history.

Stella McCartney is [my] big fan.

Like people and let them know it.

Gossip is easy, politics is hard.

...to see the light. (Last words)

Be who you are - whatever you are.

Tunnel vision can kill creativity.

Art is not a career - it's a life.

I left school on my 15th birthday.

I'm not antisocial. I like people.

Art has to address eternal issues.

I came to photography by accident.

A man has to know his limitations.

My art has gained some high value.

The problem suggests the solution.

Our best pictures happen by grace.

I'm waiting for the king to arrive

I'm too impatient to use a tripod.

I always said 'yes' to everything.

The camera gives you some control.

Lips are the fingerprints of love.

Good photography is unpretentious.

The English are very exotic to me.

When I make a picture, I make love.

Genius and taste don't go together.

Pain is not a conduit to art or joy

All photographs are self-portraits.

He sleeps fastest who sleeps alone.

I couldn't deal with a normal life.

I want to be a mouse in a mousehole.

Empathy is the key to great stories.

I like the aesthetics of the Church.

I'm not political and I don't judge.

Anything simple always interests me.

I'm fed up with being bossed around.

Easel painting means small painting.

There's always another right answer.

My first thought is always of light.

A man's got to know his limitations.

The eyes of India only see in color.

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