Photographs speak to me, and I obey.

I was voted most artistic in school.

The unusual wins out over the usual.

My pictures are complex and so am I.

Don't have rules, taboos, or limits.

Love is someone you can be silly with

I don't really like the world 'muse.'

I want to take a lot of Nasty photos.

I never set out to be a photographer.

Photography was my choice of weapons.

Enthusiasm is the electricity of life

We cannot develop and print a memory.

Give me inspiration over information.

You cannot accurately remember color.

Art is not meant to change the world.

I never thought heroin was very chic.

History does not unfold: it piles up.

Being patted is what it is all about.

An artist must be ruthlessly selfish.

My father did advertising photography.

I usually refer to myself as Hispanic.

You adapt to who you're photographing.

See the world with new eyes every day.

You should never reveal your true age.

I don't trust words. I trust pictures.

Many people who excel are self-taught.

I see myself as a witness to humanity.

Taking photos is a form of collecting.

All I do is make photos. It's my life.

You photograph with all your ideology.

War is the greatest failure of mankind.

Stay away from other people's partners.

Shoot from the gut, edit with the brain

I take the opportunity each day offers.

Bad weather makes for good photography.

I don't feel very optimistic in London.

It takes a long time to make it simple.

Enjoyment of the landscape is a thrill.

Water colours are wet colours in water.

There are enough no smoking places now.

Like people, trees are all individuals.

Art is really whispering, not shouting.

I'll always be an amateur photographer.

All of my marriages lasted seven years.

Forget what it was. Look at what it is.

The world makes up my pictures, not me.

Nothing attracts me like a closed door.

One man's fantasy is another man's job.

Everything is one and I am one with it.

I'm like the annoying guy in the street.

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