When I raced with Mercedes, I thought I'd learn German. But my wife didn't want to live in Germany.

I would say people are most going to remember me for my skill on the racetrack, first and foremost.

The place where I had so much success as a driver would be where I had my first win as a team owner.

People are going to get older and young guys are going to come in and race and get more competitive.

Getting up in front and talking to the people who build my cars is the worst. I get so damn nervous.

As far as a career legacy, I just want to be known as the guy everyone had to watch for, constantly.

You're still going to see accidents, you always will. Especially towards the closing laps of a race.

How do you say no when a little kid is asking you for ice cream? I know I can't say no to it myself.

In my day it was 75 percent car and mechanic, 25 percent driver and luck. Today it's 95 percent car.

A good driver can make up for bad equipment way more than a good car could make up for a bad driver.

For me, the American Dream was to go racing; for others, it's to pursue whatever their goals may be.

I think when you look at our team, you have to say that the weak point is probably still the driver.

I've done everything I ever thought I would do. I've done more than I thought I was capable of doing.

Women don't get the same opportunities that men get in racing, so they don't get to learn race craft.

The fans know that I have been giving it my all and that we had the good judgment to when to say when.

Definitely the road to the championship gets much easier when those type of guys are eliminated early.

When you are in a good position you are sure to drive well and to be very concentrated in each corner.

I've always looked for my affirmation through my peers, the people I race against, and within my team.

Any business you're involved with, and racing is no different, is about people. It's all about people.

It's just that fun atmosphere, working on the car, being with the guys. This is exactly what I needed.

You can only beat a guy down so far before he has a tendency to start listening to what you're saying.

As a driver, you always want to win every race, but as a car owner you know that isn't very realistic.

Racing a thoroughbred grand prix car in front of a home crowd will be a surreal and mighty experience.

I think maybe the English don't want to try something and look stupid, because they are a bit reserved.

You can be as good as you can be behind the wheel physically, but you've also got to be there mentally.

I love when architects build a golf course that compliments the landscape rather than intrudes upon it.

If I have a love-hate relationship with Martinsville, then we're missing the love part of the equation.

A German team could be quite good. But maybe they are a little bit too convinced that they are the best.

If my wheel comes off and I hit the fence real hard, I get to whack every damn one of you with a hammer.

I wish I'd a got married sooner. I wish I'd a had kids sooner. I wish I'd a figured all that out sooner.

For the longest time, I was just real nervous about privacy and people prying into my personal business.

I have made lots of mistakes in terms of contracts and spending money when I shouldn't have spent money.

You watch guys live through their peaks, and then unfortunately, you've got to come down from that peak.

My dad certainly has an eye for talent and he did something right getting his sons to the top of NASCAR.

I was very interested in that. It is very important to have confidence as well as to build up experience.

When I look fast, I'm not smooth and I am going slowly. And when I look slow, I am smooth and going fast.

But I'm a racer, that's what I've always been. I just want someone to put me in a car and leave me there.

The most important thing today is that Mark Webber is safe and OK. After a very nasty accident, he's fine.

It is unnatural for drivers and team members to be sitting on their hands when we would usually be racing.

Mercedes and Ferrari are working as one team these days. Sometimes it is difficult to tell which is which.

As a GM Goodwrench Service Plus dealer, I understand how good service makes a difference to our customers.

I'm gonna drive until my buddies can't lift me in the car, and I'll get some younger buddies if I need to.

When I was teammates with Piquet and Prost, they were prolific in what they would get up to undermine you.

Success for an artist is completed work. Very successful artists complete a lot of work. It's that simple.

We need to think out of the box rather than just going round and round, beating ourselves up about numbers.

Every day in life there are challenges; whether you're an accountant, a race car driver or whatever you do.

I love Lowe's Motor Speedway, that's in Charlotte - that's my favorite track. I love going there. It's fun.

I try to motivate and inspire people by showing them how much I love this sport and love this organization.

Alain will do everything in his power to win, he doesn't like getting beaten by anyone and least of all me.

One of my biggest problems this season was with the clutch at the start of the race. I hate to risk the car.

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