I'd take winning the championship over winning a Chase race any day of the week.

When I was coming up through the ranks, I won a lot - and probably won too much.

When someone's got your rear tires off the ground, you don't have much traction.

The computer systems that we have on our cars when we go test just blow my mind.

You've got to learn a pace that's fast enough to win, but slow enough to finish.

I like to joke with my wife that she's the CEO of... certainly of our household.

You learn how to be a better person not just on the [race] track, but all around.

If you have complete control over the damned thing, you're not going fast enough.

He who understands, as always, can make his car work better than he who does not.

If the lion didn't bite the tamer every once in a while, it wouldn't be exciting.

If you don't really know someone, everyone forms an opinion. That's part of life.

You've got to understand, I'd been trying to get to Victory Lane my whole career.

It is necessary to relax your muscles when you can. Relaxing your brain is fatal.

It has taken me thirty three years and a bang on the head to get my values right.

To me, I feel completely, um, utterly normal. I do everything everybody else does.

I believe in God. I always have. There's a reason that everything happens in life.

Sometimes people aren't happy with the way life treats them. That's their problem.

I was confident that I not only could win races, but I could win the championship.

Not yet, when I'm gone I'll be a legend, right now I'm just very good at what I do.

I don't care what you cover the seats with as long as you cover them with assholes.

I believe 0% is luck. I think you create your own luck, so I don't believe in luck.

You need great passion, because everything you do with great pleasure, you do well.

I just always dreamed of racing cars, but I didn't think I could do it as a living.

I'll pretty much eat anything. Tacos, chicken, vegetables, whatever, I will eat it.

Once the race starts, it doesn't matter what you did yesterday let alone last year.

If a person has enough desire, he will acquire the talent, he will build his skills.

The prospect of being able to run a race behind closed doors is absolutely feasible.

I don't know of any other driver on the track that doesn't get hot under the collar.

I was in therapy as a child and definitely think that therapy is a very useful tool.

I just feel rejuvenated in such a big way because of these race cars I get to drive.

I remember most all of my devoted fans, the ones who have been fans for a long time.

I think what you study and what you believe in has an influence in the way you live.

The best classroom of all times was about two car lengths behind Juan Manuel Fangio.

I am great believer that, if you put your mind to anything, you can achieve anything.

This world's a tough place to live in and you have to have something to fall back on.

The only healing I’ve ever known is getting back in that race car — for all us racers.

Tried on daddy's 1979 rookie firesuit a while back. Smelled every bit of 36 years old.

I don't feel I'm a step above anyone on this team. I'm just another link in the chain.

I always sleep really well, particularly before a race, when the adrenaline's pumping.

I like to tell my own story using my personality and my insight, the way I see things.

It was a pretty wild ride. The race wasn't bad, but qualifying would take your breath.

Dad taught me everything I know. Unfortunately, he didn't teach me everything he knows.

When it comes down to it you have to be true to yourself and the rest falls into place.

Nobody wants to lose Ferrari. And I don't think Ferrari can afford to lose Formula One.

There are no ultimatums for Renault other than we want to improve as quickly as we can.

Normally, on the rare chance that a celebrity comes to my property, I get real nervous.

Aviation is proof that given, the will, we have the capacity to achieve the impossible.

It feels awesome to outrun anybody, but to outrun your older brother always feels good.

I'm a big fan of music. I need to be listening to music most of the time during the day.

I've been racing a long time, and I realize you go through good streaks and bad streaks.

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