Cause when I'm with him I am thinking of you.

I just have so much love for my record label.

It takes time to become myself every morning.

Before I could even hold a pen I was singing.

Fashion has always been my defense mechanism.

Alcohol is the devil and I need Chinese food.

I was 14, and I fell in love with Pink Floyd.

I embrace mistakes, they make you who you are.

I just want to be the best Carly Rae I can be.

We don't really watch basketball in Australia.

It's really about being pleased with yourself.

Recycle those nerves and make them adreneline.

I'd never devote a whole record to heartbreak.

Just let me be me, That's the only way I know.

Being gay is like glitter, it never goes away.

Russian Roulette is not the same without a gun

I have to be on such a strict diet constantly.

I love her. My piano. play the sh*t outta her.

I don't need to be on top to know I'm worth it

The way that I live my life is on spontaneity.

I could never identify with that word, 'weak.'

I have such incredible experiences in my life.

Power is not given to you. You have to take it.

Love is something that never goes out of style.

Destiny's Child will always be No.1 on my list.

Everybody's the same color with the lights off.

No money, no family, 16 in the middle of Miami.

Tie me up, tie me down, make me moan real loud.

Why do we love love when love seems to hate us?

I like a good boy, but sometimes you get bored.

I'm a woman who likes to be courted - strongly.

I mean... in life... what relationship is easy?

I'm trying to get to Mars before everyone else.

Don't let bridges you cross be bridges you burn.

If you ain't aim too high, then you aim too low!

My goal is to have that be a haven for families.

Does what you think of you determine your worth?

My personality is up and down, sassy and cheeky.

You change your mind Like a girl changes clothes

Color don't tell if people Black. It's the soul.

I've made it my goal to revolutionise pop music.

Why is there even a conversation about feminism?

Tears were for the weaker days, I'm stronger now

I want to be remembered as iconic and different.

Love is so blind, it feels right when it's wrong.

My mother taught me to treat a lady respectfully.

I always imagined I could be what I wanted to be.

Don't worry, Even Jesus never saw his real father

I don't like to work out, and I get bored easily.

I can't help the way you was born if you was gay.

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