Always remember who you are. Know that you are never required to apologize to anyone for being yourself.

Use your time, energy and talents to do the best you can right now. Spend no time wishing it were better

As we learn to see each other through our spiritual eyes, the physical differences will cease to matter.

When you are caught in the mind, your past defines you. When you are present, you are beyond definition.

What keeps us from achieving our heart's desires is not anything outside of us, it's the conflict inside.

Once you get clear on who you are, what you do, and what you have been CALLED to do, you become powerful.

You have set standards for how you want to be treated and what you expect from yourself and for yourself.

We are distracted from our greatness because are greatness is what scares us. Right where you are…God is.

When you enter a new experience, all that requires healing rushes to the surface . . . You have to pause.

Wanting others to love you, you give away your heart. Wanting others to see you, you give away your eyes.

There is no greater power than the power of love, which arises from Presence. It overcomes all resistance.

A man can't be in the space where there is feminine rage and bitterness. He doesn't know how to navigate it.

When you find yourself in a new situation, everything that requires healing is going to rush to the surface.

Authenticity means that you must do what you do the way you do it and allow everyone else the same courtesy.

Any time in America when the military has to stand in opposition of their own citizenry, something is wrong.

"What do I want?" is your question. And what you want is always changing with the flow. So go with the flow.

You should not be carried away by the dictation of the mind, but the mind should be carried by your dictation.

Be Consciousness (Itself)- Contemplate Consciousness (Itself)- Transcend Everything in Consciousness (Itself).

Choice is a divine teacher, for when we choose we learn that nothing is ever put in our path without a reason.

Be willing to share all of who you are. So many of us want a partner, but we're not willing to show all of us.

When two broken people bring their broken pieces together, chances are they will never become a whole anything.

The voice I had accepted as Divine Guidance was actually the voice of my ego leading me right into destruction.

You`re demonstrating a courage that most people can`t even fathom: giving it all away in order to have yourself

In 2002, my daughter was diagnosed with a rare form of colon cancer. And it was such a shock, a surprise to us.

In the awakened state, the mind is either perfectly silent or it is a perfectly clear instrument of expression.

When you awaken, you will see that this is Heaven on Earth, and everything in physical form is the body of God.

When was the last time you thanked you for always being there for you? Self appreciation soothes an aching soul.

Embrace the truth. Speak the truth. Be the truth. When we welcome the truth, we live our lives like it's golden.

Waking up is not serious. It is a gentle remembering and an honoring of the present moment as the truth of life.

Why are you measuring? This is how you block, delay, hinder, obstruct and deny his place in the life as a father.

Everyone is always looking for their beloved. Well, why can't you be your own beloved? Fall in love with yourself.

What will support any relationship is clear, complete and conscious conversations when upsets or breakdowns occur.

People have no clue that they’re in prison, they don’t know that there is an ego, they don’t know the distinction.

When you're learning, you're burning - putting out a lot of heat. When you're all burned up, then you become light.

Anger simply means that your personal power - your personal space, your personal sense of being - has been violated

Everybody does not have to like you. That is not their job. Liking you is not anyone's purpose in life except yours.

The holy name of Krishna has extraordinary spiritual potency because the name of God is nondifferent from God Himself.

Sooner or later, we must all accept the fact that in a relationship, the only person you are dealing with is yourself.

People may not like what you do, people may not like how you do it, but these people are not living your life. You are!

Love is not all that is required in a relationship. It needs understanding, openness, kidness, patience, long-suffering

What looks like a failure teaches us what not to do, what does not work. We have lessons to learn from our experiences.

Our beliefs are what create our experiences. As we change our beliefs, we alter our perception, our version of reality.

I've seen the good, the bad, and the ugly. Lived it and I'm still here to talk about it and help someone else if I can.

The beloved is one who nurtures you, trusts you, supports you, encourages you, loves you without conditions. That's you.

The very essence of your Being is infinite, eternal silence. It is your true nature. It is the essence of all existence.

Living entity is food for another living entity, it does not mean that I shall eat my children also. There is discretion.

Most perfect self-understanding is the capability to directly (immediately) transcend dilemma, all problems, all seeking.

Every day is your day if you claim it. If you wait for somebody else to make it for you, you're going to be disappointed.

Never underestimate the ruthlessness of the ego to keep you in a state of suffering in which you voluntarily participate.

Projecting into the future with hopes, dreams and desires can never fulfill you. Only the present moment can fulfill you.

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