Our writer would play the piano and then come up with songs on the spot that included all of us. It was so fun!

Sleep is such a potent, liminal state, and I don't want to drag anything in there that doesn't need to be there.

With any president it is difficult to predict how the world will be effected by his presence in the white house.

While I was growing up all over, in all my different schools, I was always doing theater, auditioning for plays.

I don't feel that 40 is anything these days. Our life expectancy is so much greater that maybe 50 is the new 40.

Any time you get to work with someone new who you admire, who's awesome, it's great; you're excited to be there.

When I'm in heels - and I live in heels - I take on a different posture, a different attitude, different energy.

There's a lot of life on the planet that needs love, wants love, deserves love, in whatever capacity we are able.

I don't like to discuss my work in a lot of detail; I'm afraid of dissecting it in a way that is not good for me.

A goal of mine is to try and be as real as possible. To try and not comment on the work I'm doing but just do it.

Everyone is your friend if you say yes, but say no and watch how they react. It's been a huge life lesson for me.

I love the Walking Dead, but I dont wanna be an actual prominent character on the show. I just wanna be a zombie.

We as women are always watching movies and if you want to be cool you have to identify with the man in the movie.

In 'Deadwood,' it was just extremely unaesthetic. They actually put underarm merkins on and covered me with dirt!

One of the few things we can actually control in life is what we put in our bodies. I found that very empowering.

For me, it was much more important to continue to learn my craft as an actor and get a bit of flesh on the bones.

We don't necessarily hear about the fantastic things social services do, because it doesn't make very good drama.

I hate all the core stuff. That’s why I have to have a trainer. That’s the only way I’m going to do the abs work.

I hate all the core stuff. That's why I have to have a trainer. That's the only way I'm going to do the abs work.

I also had a hosting position on a home and garden television show - which is a joke if you ever see my apartment.

I love the virtuosity and imaginative chutzpah of 'Da Vinci's Demons,' and not just because my boyfriend is in it!

'Happy Valley' is an extraordinary piece and it was not necessarily about Catherine but her part in the narrative.

Think about it: if the world could see how much adoption means from a cat's point of view, shelters would be empty.

I like playing make-believe. And my brothers do it with me, so its fun. Its almost better than chocolate ice cream.

I'm straight, but it's immaterial what your sexuality is. Isn't it really just about being a fulfilled human being?

First acting gig was playing a victim in 'America's Most Wanted.' The night the show aired, they caught the killer!

I am a very simple cook, I just do the minimum amount. I'm mostly a vegetarian, so I just steam a lot of vegetables.

I think if you work in television everyday, and you must be privy to everything happening in television, then do so.

I love the 'Walking Dead,' but I don't wanna be an actual prominent character on the show. I just wanna be a zombie.

I've played some great ladies. Mame. Agnes Gooch in 'Mame,' when I started out in the '60s... it's a beautiful role.

When I'm working in theatre I never go to the bar with the other actors; I go home and think about what I did wrong.

My favorite part of 'Suits' is when we go back in time, and we do learn more. I hope we do more of that in Season 6.

People can graduate from beauty school and know everything about white hair and nothing about African-American hair.

I'd love to go back and do theater. There's nothing like that instant response and the connection to a live audience.

I like playing make-believe. And my brothers do it with me, so it's fun. It's almost better than chocolate ice cream.

Acting is a subtle combination of hiding and revealing yourself, and as I'm not an extrovert, this is painful for me.

It's totally mystifying to me how anyone could have canceled 'Taxi.' I don't understand it because that stuff is rare.

People know me as 'Wipeout Girl' or 'Mercury Girl.' They never know my name, and sometimes, maybe that's a good thing.

I have to just get up early and make sure I run. I'll do 40 minutes, four miles. It's not easy, but it clears my head.

Don’t just think about the technology available today, but the technology that would be 10 times better in the future.

I've never done an action show, really. On 'Jericho,' other people got to ride horses and shoot guns, but I never did.

Acting is still fun. It's still not even a career for me. I think the second it becomes a career is when I should stop.

I find the songs and dances in Hindi films fascinating, and I know I will do justice to them, as I am a trained dancer.

Indies are always an extra challenge. The time is shorter because you have less money to spend and fewer days to shoot.

When I first became an actress, I expected to do regional and classical theater; I just love the whole creative process.

I am fascinated by people's flaws and delusions: all the messy bits of human nature we all try to pretend we don't have.

Throughout my life, I've known that if I change my hair, if I change my look, people I know will blank me in the street.

I always do a mental audit at the end of the week to make sure Im balancing time between my career and my personal life.

I like being able to put out my own content instead of just going from audition to audition and just waiting and hoping.

I basically have paid for a piano and a flat-screen television completely with my poker earnings. I'm pretty good at it.

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