'Deadwood' was an incredible experience.

We romanticize the past with an illusion that we'd know how we'd fit.

There's a certain comfort in being in supporting roles because it's not all on you.

I'm curious about people, and I'm curious about getting to the root of where they might be coming from.

In 'Deadwood,' it was just extremely unaesthetic. They actually put underarm merkins on and covered me with dirt!

We as women are always watching movies and if you want to be cool you have to identify with the man in the movie.

I basically have paid for a piano and a flat-screen television completely with my poker earnings. I'm pretty good at it.

I haven't done 'Celebrity Poker Showdown,' and I would love them to have me, but I think I'm not a big enough celebrity yet to get on there.

I remember when 'Deadwood' had first come out, there was this whole deer-in-the-headlights sense of feeling really uncomfortable with being recognized in public.

The Deadwood dirt they painted on us with powder. The air always smelled of livestock and something burning, gave a sooty, dense feel to the air. It was a mixture of odors.

I think when I feel fear, thats often a cue that I should do something. If I begin to feel fear, thats a strong sign, psychologically, that something has its hooks in me somewhere deep.

I think when I feel fear, that's often a cue that I should do something. If I begin to feel fear, that's a strong sign, psychologically, that something has its hooks in me somewhere deep.

Television has changed. Some feels like good old-fashioned TV, and some of it feels more filmic and more natural and more nuanced. I don't think there's any clear line any longer between film and TV.

It's such an obedient way to be for a woman, to try to keep yourself in top shape, to follow all the rules and hope that will get you a measure of stability or happiness. That's part of the affluent suburban dream: to do everything perfectly in a long-winded way, to try to fulfill all the requirements.

To talk about something like prostitution, the other person then becomes the wild card that will have a response, and it may not be the response you want. Sometimes I think saying it would be selfish to tell them is still being under the illusion that you have all the power. You say it would be selfish to tell them, when in fact you're scared that in telling them, it gives them the power to do what they might want to do because once they know, they become somebody who could be reactive.

Heterosexual women ask questions that are a lot to do with what I did to my body and what that was like to lose all that weight and so on. To me it just reveals that that's a preoccupation of theirs. Or gay women have been really keen on knowing how I felt about playing a gay character and have often wanted to talk about their own experiences with children. Straight men have often shown some sense of relief, that they get to experience the philanderer as a woman and not have to judge her in the same way. That's fascinating to me.

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