I think that there's so many levels of what is appropriate for an Indian woman to do.

My husband is from Finland, so every so often I'll throw a Scandinavian-themed party.

What woman doesn't want to feel comfortable in a swimsuit? It's incredibly empowering.

I think all writers have a style, a particular voice and rhythm that you have to find.

Yoga has helped me become more in tune and respectful of not just my body but my soul.

I basically don't do that well with children, although my sister says I'm a great aunt.

The Oscar nomination made me a recognizable name to other actors and people in general.

If they give you good words to say, and you don't get in the way of them, you'll be OK.

I'm a girl, so I didn't really know about 'G.I. Joe' as a kid. I didn't watch the show.

Women are no longer being defined by where they were born or their colour. That's huge.

I enjoy both comedy and drama, and have had memorable experiences in both film and T.V.

When I went to school, I was in the same mode. I did the things I enjoyed, what I loved

Sometimes I'm afraid that my daughter might think that I get my hair done for a living.

Nothing is going to improve my hearing. I've only got to prevent it from getting worse.

My dad used to say, 'Just be yourself and you'll be fine,' but it's really, really true.

I believe a child's most important job is to explore the world around them through play.

When I'm in New York, my favorite place on the planet is the Metropolitan Museum of Art.

When I went to school, I was in the same mode. I did the things I enjoyed, what I loved.

It has been a great experience to act in Hollywood movies with actors like Ben Kingsley.

I never thought I wanted to direct. I love the control of it. I love to dream of scenes.

I am so scared of the sea, so what did I do? Learned to scuba in the Great Barrier Reef.

I don't feel that I have any great grasp of technique that I should pass along to people.

In my experience, each project is what it is, and nothing is necessarily a turning point.

I would never condone anything which I thought was salacious, titillating, or gratuitous.

I have a sweet tooth. I love dessert, and if somebody makes me one, I'm going to have it.

We have souls. And guardian angels. We are never alone. I feel so comforted knowing this.

It's hard to regulate the speed at which you can achieve something creative and emotional.

All of my films have changed my life. I've met so many people and broadened my world view.

A first love is something that lasts forever in your heart. It's something that marks you.

When I was 9, I asked my mom if I could be on TV. She was like, 'Well, okay. You can try.'

Whenever I look at a baby or children in general, I smile and just want to play with them.

The Barbara Hepworth museum in St. Ives is fascinating. Her achievements were astonishing.

Now that I'm in my late 40s, I'm trying to make up for a little bit of lost musicals time.

What's fun about shooting exteriors on the street in Toronto is that there are cable cars.

I am a hobbyist photographer so I relate to the visual arts that way, but Im not a painter.

I get a lot of work done in my dreams and I don't want to take anybody else's work with me.

I like to think I opened doors for other women, although that wasn't my original intention.

The pursuit of happiness is in our Constitution. We're all entitled to have the best we can

I'm an avid shoe fan. I got my first pair of Louboutins as a birthday gift from Jami Gertz.

But I've always tried to make the best of fear, then, because without fears there's no art.

I'm a big fan of a great glass of red wine and a delicious bowl of pasta made from scratch.

I am a hobbyist photographer so I relate to the visual arts that way, but I'm not a painter.

If I could have anyone's mind for a day, I really can't think of anyone other than Einstein.

I know that I'm in the minority to be able to keep working all these years. But I want more!

I think you learn how to fall well when you're figure skating. Your reflexes are very acute.

I started theater when I was three, and I started doing professional acting when I was nine.

The pursuit of happiness is in our Constitution. We're all entitled to have the best we can.

I just really want to do good work and work with some great people, people who challenge me.

[I want to be remembered] as a small piece of the puzzle sent here to serve a bigger picture.

That's the Elektra I tried to portray: one that's always in the grey. She is a tortured soul.

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