Repentance is accepted remorse.

Some people just want to be accepted.

I got accepted at Yale but never went.

Shame must be accepted to be effective.

Teamwork was more accepted 40 years ago.

I never accepted Communist dogma or theory.

Today, Jewish defense is an accepted thing.

Secrecy, once accepted, becomes an addiction.

Violence is totally accepted in this country.

Someday change will be accepted as life itself.

Change often makes accepted customs into crimes.

Cocktail music is accepted as audible wallpaper.

Every loss I take, I've accepted, and I move on.

I feel strongly for gay marriage to be accepted.

But she never just accepted me for the way I was.

Breaking accepted rules does bring people together.

I received my calling and accepted it at around 18.

Irrational beliefs are culturally accepted delusions.

I've definitely accepted the fact that I'm not normal.

Never, ever, have I felt really accepted in Hollywood.

I applied to Uncyclopedia Bassists, and was accepted!!

As soon as an idea is accepted it is time to reject it.

When you relentlessly work, you gradually get accepted.

Nothing has to be accepted just because we inherited it.

I needed to be accepted, not humored. I intended to act.

As long as we're great at what we do, we'll be accepted.

Scientology is much more accepted in Hollywood than Jesus.

Ah, if you knew what peace there is in an accepted sorrow!

I think everyone to a certain degree wants to be accepted.

A theory accepted by 99 percent of scientists may be wrong.

The world of dance is where I felt accepted as a human being.

Constructive criticism is not much accepted in the Caribbean.

Immigrant communities have been genuinely accepted in London.

Controversial proposals, once accepted, soon become hallowed.

On the last day, Chelsea made a great proposal and I accepted.

I never accepted a knighthood because to me, is honour enough?

Intellectuals would be much more accepted now than in the '40s

At Calvary, God accepted his own unbreakable terms of justice.

Intellectuals would be much more accepted now than in the '40s.

I never accepted the premise that meetings themselves were bad.

Everybody had to be thoroughly understood before being accepted.

Business as usual will not be accepted by any part of this city.

Genius has never been accepted without a measure of condonement.

We need a universally accepted definition of reserves reporting.

Back in 1992, I had my first story accepted by 'The New Yorker.'

Change what cannot be accepted and accept what cannot be changed.

The accepted versions of the Bible are all substantially correct.

The accepted versions of the Bible are all substantially correct.

As the universe accepted our show, more people began to accept me.

Originality implies being bold enough to go beyond accepted norms.

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