I'm addicted. I'm addicted to golf.

We aren't addicted to oil, but our cars are.

I'm fine being addicted to chocolate and French fries.

I've been addicted to TV since I emerged from the womb.

Become addicted to constant and never-ending self-improvement.

I was physically addicted to 'Tony Hawk's American Wasteland' for PS2.

I'm an addict, I'm addicted to success. Thankfully, there's no rehab for success.

I love seeing new places and meeting new people. I'm sort of addicted to traveling.

Saddam Hussein is a homicidal dictator who is addicted to weapons of mass destruction.

Writing's like gambling. Unpredictable and sporadic successes make you more addicted, not less.

There are some people so addicted to exaggeration that they can't tell the truth without lying.

Friendless. Having no favors to bestow. Destitute of fortune. Addicted to utterance of truth and common sense.

I've been a video game guy since I was eight years old and got my first Nintendo. I've been addicted to video games ever since.

You can be creative and not addictive, or addictive and not creative. Most addicted people do not produce anything of remarkable note.

The one product I can't live without is my mascara. I'm addicted to long eyelashes and think girls just look so pretty with long lashes!

Man cannot live without joy; therefore when he is deprived of true spiritual joys it is necessary that he become addicted to carnal pleasures.

'Hello my name is the Republican Party and I got a problem. I'm addicted to spending and big government.' I'd like one of them just to stand up and say that.

You'd be a masochist or a lunatic to be addicted to getting live hair follicles ripped out of the back of your head and surgically implanted into the front of your head.

I was addicted to hacking, more for the intellectual challenge, the curiosity, the seduction of adventure; not for stealing, or causing damage or writing computer viruses.

I was five years old; I got addicted to being on stage. I felt like it was the most wonderful place on Earth, performing in front of an audience, who in this case were a bunch of classmates, kids my age.

By incarcerating someone who is homeless or addicted or who suffers from mental health challenges, we only further destabilize that person and create situations where they are more likely to commit crimes in the future.

I spend some of my time brooding about people who seem addicted to double standards - those who take an allegedly principled stand on a Monday, then switch firmly to the opposite principle on Tuesday if it is to their advantage.

I'm addicted to picking my nose. In a world of red tape and bureaucracy, where it takes forever to buy a house or get a cell-phone plan going, it's so instant to just stick your finger up there and go for something your own body produces.

'Higher Power' was the result of a personal experience: a friend of mine who went through the process of addiction and recovery. It's a very, very tough thing - very easy to become addicted and very, very hard to become a recovering addict.

Trump, despite his divorces and 'worldly lifestyle', appeals to evangelicals because he is wealthy, powerful, and pays them lip service. They support him because they are tired of losing the culture wars and are addicted to the perks of power.

The kind of improv that I'm particularly addicted to is the kind that... aims at creating a momentary, fragmentary experience that has a totality to it. It's kind of like fireworks. It's the more ephemeral of art forms - once it's gone, it's gone, baby.

I've been around golf my whole life. My father did it all the time, and I resented him for it. But a couple years ago I picked up a golf club and I understood the physics of it. If anyone knows anything about golf, it's that once you hit a few shots, you'll become addicted.

I push myself hard. I don't like pain, exactly, but as a ballerina, I lived in constant pain. At ballet school in Stockholm, I remember we had a locker where if someone had been to the doctor and gotten painkillers, we divided them among us. In a sense, we were all addicted.

I kind of have a strange addiction to hair dryers. Like on the TV show, where they eat toilet paper or eat the wall or something - I'm addicted to hair dryers. Since I was 8 years old, I've used them to fall asleep. I love the white noise. I love the heat. It just puts me right to sleep.

There are three things that I'm addicted to when it comes to entertainment. In no particular order, One, I'm addicted to the cheer moment. 'Librarians' has plenty of them. Next, I feel that life is hard, and I want my entertainment fun, and 'Librarians' is fun as a Christmas party. And third, I like to be moved.

Exploring is an innate part of being human. We're all explorers when we're born. Unfortunately, it seems to get drummed out of many of us as we get older, but it's there, I think, in all of us. And for me that moment of discovery is just so thrilling, on any level, that I think anybody that's experienced it is pretty quickly addicted to it.

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