What Americans want is more affordable health care.

All Americans should have access to quality, affordable health care.

Everyone in this country has a right to quality, affordable health care.

American patients deserve more access to quality, affordable health care.

Every single one of us deserves access to quality, affordable health care.

How do you deliver the best possible and affordable health care to maximize health?

Our commitment to veterans requires that we fight for access to affordable health care.

I want to make sure more people - not fewer - have access to quality, affordable health care.

I will continue to support legislation that provides American families and Seniors affordable health care.

Illinois has the opportunity to lead the country in providing more affordable health care options to its citizens.

I'll continue to work with my colleagues to fight efforts to roll back access to affordable health care for Nevadans.

The basic right to quality and affordable health care is under assault by Donald Trump and Republicans in Washington.

To ensure a bright and healthy future for hardworking Georgians, we must increase access to quality, affordable health care.

When I was a single, working mom with a newborn, I learned just how vital it is to have comprehensive, affordable health care.

My legacy is going to be in affordable health care. I am willing to invest in developing that model and the policies around it.

We must protect those with pre-existing conditions and ensure that every American family has access to quality, affordable health care.

By giving every American access to quality, affordable health care, they will create a more competitive, a stronger and more secure America!

Access to quality, affordable health care is particularly important here in Maine, where many of us own small businesses or are self-employed.

With affordable health care, women can have economic security and the peace of mind that they will not become a financial burden on their families.

A public option is essential to creating the cost-savings necessary to offset the cost of providing all Americans access to affordable health care.

Affordable health care that protects people with pre-existing conditions is a priority for Kansans, and it's been one of my top priorities since taking office.

I'll put working families first by fighting to increase access to affordable health care, improve our public schools, and create more jobs that pay good wages.

I believe we can incentivize more affordable health care in general by better regulating insurance and creating meaningful competition for health care services.

Looking at affordable health care, I think it is important that we look not only at prescription drugs, but also make sure that there is a major focus on health care.

Too many families are falling behind and we need to fight tooth-and-nail to boost wages, expand access to affordable health care, and improve our public education system.

My top three priorities for my first term in Congress are growing our economy; providing for quality, affordable health care; and keeping our nation and communities safe.

I am fighting on many fronts to protect access to affordable health care because I don't want to see medical bills continue to climb and millions of people to lose coverage.

I'm fighting to do right by our neighbors by expanding access to affordable health care, improving public education, respecting our workers, and creating more good-paying jobs.

In my opinion, real reform, which lowers costs and ensures all Americans get the quality, affordable health care that they deserve, cannot be accomplished without a robust public option.

I look forward to working with our leadership team to advance the causes of smaller government, lower taxes, eliminating terrorism, and providing affordable health care, among other issues.

Women want fair taxes, a growing economy, affordable health care, secure borders, and the defeat of ISIS. They don't need the solutions to be wrapped in pink. They just want problems solved.

If we're going to be able to provide access to quality, affordable health care to every American - we need to have the trained health care professionals inside hospitals to provide that care.

I won't stop fighting to give Nevadans access to affordable health care just because my husband is a doctor, just like I won't stop standing up for veterans because my father served in World War II.

We need a senator who fights for things like affordable health care, college and technical school, not tax cuts for wealthy donors. That doesn't mean free college or Medicare for All, I'm against that.

Kentuckians deserve a governor who will support affordable health care, a secure retirement, and respect the rights of workers like access to safe working conditions and wages that can support a family.

Our message of ensuring every Hoosier has access to a quality education that turns into a good paying job, that ultimately leads to a meaningful career with access to affordable health care, is resonating.

Here in Indiana, we run a nationally-recognized program called the Healthy Indiana Plan. The Healthy Indiana Plan offers the uninsured an affordable health care plan with savings accounts that they control.

Whether they're in uniform today or retired, I'll fight to make it easier for our fire fighters and their families to earn a good living with dignity on the job, affordable health care, and a secure retirement.

The American economy has always been driven by the entrepreneurial nature of its citizens, and blocking access to affordable health care will only suffocate growth within the small business sector of our economy.

Instead of attacking and dividing our people, I'll be a governor who is fully committed to respecting the hard work of our families by fighting for good-paying jobs and expanding access to affordable health care.

While Matt Bevin only helps his special interest donors, I care about expanding access to affordable health care for our families and making sure workers have the training and skills they need to get good-paying jobs.

As governor, I'll treat hard-working families with the respect that they deserve by being laser-focused on creating good-paying jobs with benefits and secure retirements; and expanding access to affordable health care.

Democrats must adopt a progressive economic message that focuses on large, direct infrastructure investments, affordable health care, portable pensions, and public-private investments that promote advanced manufacturing.

I took action to allow Montanans to participate in direct primary care agreements with doctors and authorized the use of health care sharing ministries, both of which provide alternatives for more affordable health care.

Planned Parenthood's mission, on paper, is to give women quality and affordable health care and to protect women's rights. In reality, their mission is to increase their abortion numbers and, in turn, increase their revenue.

If people really want to sit down and visit and talk about things like health care, which is a very, very important issue in Montana, I think oftentimes you want to get to the same goal. And that is affordable health care costs.

Security is still the most important issue facing Washington state residents and millions of Americans - the security of having a job, of access to affordable health care, of a quality education, and of protecting our homeland and defending our nation.

Many smart folks seem to think that if you just get your metaphors and messages right, you'll win. That if you start describing what you favor as a 'moral value' - 'affordable health care is a moral value' etc., - then you'll appeal to red-state voters.

It is important to remember the purpose of health care reform: to make sure Americans have access to quality, affordable health care - especially those individuals who were being denied by their insurance companies because they weren't profitable customers.

I do see women voters shifting to the Republican Party and doing so significantly. And the issue that's doing this is the fear the federal government will prevail in making the Affordable Health Care Act permanent law and how that will hurt small businesses.

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