Marriage is the aftermath of love.

Hatred, slavery's inevitable aftermath.

The aftermath of joy is not usually more joy.

Depression is the aftermath of credit expansion.

Pop songs now, they're about the aftermath of love.

The future is bulletproof The aftermath is secondary.

In the aftermath of a marriage, you feel helpless and hapless.

Age is frequently beautiful, wisdom appearing like an aftermath.

The experience of testifying and the aftermath have changed my life

The experience of testifying and the aftermath have changed my life.

If an accident happens in a plant, the aftermath will be unimaginable.

In the aftermath of September 11th, it is critical to secure our borders.

[In the aftermath of death] Small talk feels too small, big talk too enormous.

Friends tell each other the truth, and then friends stick around for the aftermath.

I am a career public servant. Until the aftermath of Benghazi, I loved every day of my job.

History has not dealt kindly with the aftermath of protracted periods of low risk premiums.

In the aftermath of any war or genocide, healing and reconciliation are ultimate aspirations.

It is the youth who must inherit the tribulation, the sorrow... that are the aftermath of war.

Long for me as I for you, forgetting, what will be inevitable, the long black aftermath of pain.

Of course, I write crime stories, and I have to describe violence and the aftermath of violence.

The aftermath of this extraordinary election [2016] could be just as surprising as the race itself.

After you have been incarcerated for so long, whatever story is told in the aftermath is beautiful.

American taxpayers have been generous to Louisiana in the aftermath of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita.

Together with the rise of the internet, September 11 and its aftermath has changed most of our lives.

But I don't know what to him about the aftermath of killing a person. About how they never leave you.

Let's get to a world where we don't litigate the aftermath, because it doesn't happen in the first place.

I've had to recover not only from a single well-publicized incident, but several years of press aftermath.

I've had to recover not only from a single well-publicized incident, but several years of press aftermath.

I worked for CBS News in the aftermath of all the greatness. I actually brought coffee to Edward R. Murrow.

I had friends who died in the 9/11 tragedy; some of my friends lost family members in the aftermath of Godhra.

I don't think we handled the aftermath of the fall of Baghdad as well as we might have. But that's now history.

Cancer and its aftermath changed my outlook in a profound way. I've become less of a hermit, and I travel more.

In the harrowing aftermath of Haiti's earthquake, one of the greatest needs became desperately clear: safe water.

History has shown that Big Government expands quickest in the immediate aftermath of a crisis - real or manufactured.

I will continue to need operations and therapy for life. For acid attack survivors, the aftermath is a life sentence.

I wish I had been more mature. I wish I had handled the immediate aftermath of the accident involving my family better.

Having a baby takes so much from you. It's the most glorious thing you'll ever do, but the aftermath is not so glorious!

The outpouring of support from millions of people in the immediate aftermath of the earthquake in Haiti has been impressive.

I think there are patterns of the aftermath of colonization that you see echoed in cultures and communities across the world.

Screenwriter Flacco nicely evokes the aftermath of San Francisco's 1906 earthquake in his fiction debut, a novel of suspense.

I am not sorry the CIA went to the edge of the law in the aftermath of 9/11 to prevent further mass-casualty attacks on the U.S.

I was left to painstakingly deal with the aftermath of my avoidance later in life, in therapy or through the lyrics of my songs.

'A.D.' will focus on life after the crucifixion and the dangers that the disciples faced in the aftermath of Jesus' resurrection.

Two things Florida can teach the other 49 states: how to make a good margarita and how to deal with the aftermath of a hurricane.

If the 20th century was marked by travel - planes in flight - then the events of 9/11 ushered in the age of the burning aftermath.

Othello is someone who's just had a victory, and it's the aftermath of coming back and attempting to live comfortably as a civilian.

There is something deeply wrong with a political culture which only wants to talk about incarceration in the aftermath of a tragedy.

Despite its name, the big bang theory is not really a theory of a bang at all. It is really only a theory of the aftermath of a bang.

Some people are so famous that the legends about them and the cultural aftermath of their life altogether obscure the real human being.

If you really look at the aftermath of Iraq, Iran is going to be taking over Iraq. They've been doing it. And it's not a pretty picture.

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