Aggregate statistics can sometimes mask important information.

Life is an aggregate of experience, which continually surprises us.

For me that's what's fascinating about the internet, that aggregate thing.

A people represents not so much an aggregate of ideas and theories as of obsessions.

Globalization in the aggregate generates wealth, no question. But it gets concentrated.

Are there challenges? Absolutely. But in aggregate, this is a very strong and valuable company.

In a slow-growing world that is short on aggregate demand, Germany's trade surplus is a problem.

With the people, especially a people seized of property, resides the aggregate of original power.

Without a doubt, we do support a robust framework for aggregate capital and liquidity and stress-testing.

Lots of people in aggregate might know who I am, but they are spread around across the country and the world.

Science means simply the aggregate of all the recipes that are always successful. All the rest is literature.

I watch movies all the time, so it's hard to pick certain specific directors that have inspired me in the aggregate.

The case for democracy is that voters in the aggregate will make better decisions than a lone monarch or dictator would.

Better-paid workers buy more goods and services, increasing aggregate demand and baking a bigger economic pie for everyone.

The secession of the Southern States, individually or in the aggregate, was the certain consequence of Mr. Lincoln's election.

Congress has the power to legislate with regard to activity that, in the aggregate, has a substantial effect on interstate commerce.

The world is moved along, not only by the mighty shoves of its heroes, but also by the aggregate of tiny pushes of each honest worker.

It seems to me that's the only way you can have a truly creative aggregate of people is if they're all contributing in different ways.

A global economy that is levering up, while unable to generate enough aggregate demand to achieve potential growth, is on a risky path.

The social and legal discrimination that relegates hundreds of women to subordinate or marginal economic roles has a huge aggregate cost.

So everybody has some information. The function of the markets is to aggregate that information, evaluate it, and get it incorporated into prices.

The more technology we introduce into society, the more people will aggregate, will want to be with other people: movies, rock concerts, shopping.

There's only a few platforms that really aggregate content well together, Facebook being one of the best, probably the most diverse of all of them.

Art makes you see people as individual, unique human beings. Art, in that way, allows us to see each other in particulate, as opposed to in aggregate.

As the Church is the aggregate of believers, there is an intimate analogy between the experience of the individual believer, and of the Church as a whole.

Disciples of Keynes, who focus on aggregate demand, view any increase in household wealth as raising employment because they say it adds to consumer demand.

We're called conspiracy theorists because we see this cabal right in front of us. We're able to aggregate these data points and show what was really going on.

I see disappointment as something small and aggregate rather than something unified or great. With a little effort, every failure can be turned into something good.

I don't know that you're able to measure your aggregate wisdom as you go through life. I can't say that I ever feel that I'm sitting on top of a growing mound of wisdom.

The markets represent the aggregate interaction of many investors. Their attitudes, philosophies, and behavioral patterns on many levels are predictable... and repetitive.

There's nowhere you can aggregate more people in one fell swoop than a broadcast network; there's no place you can build a star quicker than you can on a broadcast network.

From this time on, the universe is built up into an aggregate of permanent objects connected by causal relations that are independent of the subject and are placed in objective space and time.

The rule which should guide us in such cases is simple and obvious enough: that the aggregate testimony of our neighbours is subject to the same conditions as the testimony of any one of them.

It is therefore utterly false to say that Marx revokes the law of value as far as individual commodities are concerned, and maintains it in force solely for the aggregate of these commodities.

If you economically empower a woman, she represents enormous opportunity that can actually be transformative not only for her family and for her community, but at the aggregate level for the economy.

My mom's a psychologist, and I think that has influenced me on a personal level. Plus, I'm just generally interested in visualization and humanity, social activity and technology, and what happens in aggregate.

India's national elections are really an aggregate of thirty different state elections, each influenced by its own local considerations, regional political currents, and different patterns of political incumbency.

Economic growth is the aggregate effect of the quest to accumulate capital and extract profit. Capitalism collapses without growth, yet perpetual growth on a finite planet leads inexorably to environmental calamity.

Within New York City and state, families in need face a confusing hodgepodge of supplemental rental assistance programs, many of which are ineffective individually and all of which are clearly ineffective in the aggregate.

People at the top spend less money than those at the bottom, so when you have redistribution toward the top, aggregate demand goes down. Unless you intervene, you're going to have a weak economy unless something else happens.

Everyone recognizes that's a joke because obviously the number and shape of the pieces doesn't affect the size of the pizza. And similarly, the stocks, bonds, warrants, etc., issued don't affect the aggregate value of the firm.

The work that I feel is most authentically mine is the one that is my first reaction, the first thing that feels like the truth. In aggregate, those choices, those series of decisions, create your point of view, your visual language.

When all is said and done and the e-book is written about politics and the Internet, it is not going to be about the presidential election. It will be about the smaller elections in aggregate that have a huge effect on people's lives.

Our online news feeds aggregate all of the world's pain and cruelty, dragging our brains into a kind of learned helplessness. Technology that provides us with near-complete knowledge without a commensurate level of agency isn't humane.

Even if the dollar does decline during the coming months, the delays in the response of exports and imports to the more competitive dollar will mean that the increase in aggregate demand from this source may not happen for a year or more.

A rise in the level of saving can reduce aggregate activity temporarily but only a sustained high level of saving makes it possible to have the sustained high level of business investment that contributes to the long-run growth of output.

In New Classical theory, periods of declining employment - business cycle downturns - may be caused by an unexpected decline in aggregate demand, which leaves workers mistakenly holding out for nominal wages that exceed the new market-clearing level.

Local television is a slightly different story. It is under much more pressure in the same way that all local businesses are, whether that's a local newspaper, local radio or local television. But I think television in the aggregate is actually in very good shape.

Properly targeted public investment can do much to boost economic performance, generating aggregate demand quickly, fueling productivity growth by improving human capital, encouraging technological innovation, and spurring private-sector investment by increasing returns.

In a world with weak aggregate demand, countries are engaging in a futile competition for a greater share of it. In the process, they are creating financial-sector and cross-border risks that will become increasingly apparent as countries exit their unconventional policies.

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