Hungry wailing standeth not aloof.

I am quite shy and people think I'm aloof.

My father was aloof, very strange and very distant.

Like all his type, Newton was wholly aloof from women.

I would like to perfect the art of being studiously aloof

I've been accused of being aloof. I'm not. I'm just wary.

From him [Death] alone of all the powers of heaven Persuasion holds aloof.

In politics one may remain aloof and become irrelevant or get involved and get corrupted.

I'm known as a strange, aloof kind of man. But all I'm doing is trying to protect myself and my work.

But curb thou the high spirit in thy breast, for gentle ways are best, and keep aloof from sharp contentions.

To combat social awkwardness, I would just act like I couldn't be bothered - that kind of aloof persona or aloof demeanor. It's so off-putting.

He who stands aloof runs the risk of believing himself better than others and misusing his critique of society as an ideology for his private interest.

I am not an outgoing person. I am a very aloof person who gives a lot to his work. It's very difficult to have a personal life with this kind of mindset.

Art never harms itself by keeping aloof from the social problems of the day: rather, by so doing, it more completely realises for us that which we desire.

I am aloof by nature. I mind my own business. I'm good with everyone, and I get along fine with people. But work is work, and friendship is friendship. I never mix the two.

People tell me all the time that I look forbidding or aloof. That doesn't bother me much - I am fairly private, withdrawn, and... distant, I guess. But, um, I think that's okay.

If I sit quietly in a corner waiting for the camera to roll, it doesn't mean that I am aloof and cut off from people. It could be that I am thinking about the shot or going over my lines.

Jesus made Himself available to everyone. Unlike former prophets and the religious men of His day, who often kept themselves aloof, Jesus was easy to approach and always ready to give his help.

If a guy is tall, that's a plus, and he has to have a great personality. He needs to keep up with me because I can be an off-the-wall, aloof chatterbox sometimes! But if he's got some height on him... God bless.

I have a reputation for being cold and aloof, but I'm so not that woman. I'm passionate. I love my girls, being with my girlfriends, getting involved with issues that affect other women and children who are suffering.

The noble gases, which reside on the East Coast of the periodic table, are its aristocrats - detached and aloof, never bothering to interact with the rabble of common elements that make up the vast majority of the world.

What's so funny about cats is that they have this kind of aloof, superior vibe to them. Even if you love them, they are unpredictable. Dogs are more social, and the way that they attach and bond to us is much more human.

When I was working on Eye of the Beholder, I played a character who is so aloof that my whole lifestyle became very aloof. If someone knocked on my door, there was a part of me that went into a rage, because I wanted to be isolated and alone.

Webster and I are very aloof. The two of us go and sit there by ourselves. I sit by myself in the corner with my book and the newspaper. He kind of runs around a little bit, and then he goes and sits on top of the picnic table. He never plays with other little dogs.

Aaron Sorkin whole thing was that he didn't want the pomposity of the presidency in the West Wing. But once we cast Martin Sheen and we realised Martin's incredible accessibility, nothing felt pompous or aloof. If the show is about all the planets, let's end it with the sun.

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