I'm always making a comeback but nobody ever tells me where I've been.

People always ask me, 'Where were you when Kennedy was shot?' Well, I don't have an alibi.

I always seem to get parts where I play the sports professional - and that's not me at all!

Four legs on a chair, to me, represent a strong foundation and always knowing where I come from.

The camera has always been a magic wand for me, giving me access to places where I could try new experiments.

After getting dropped from the Australian team, for me it was always just about being the team, it doesn't matter where I bat.

I don't know where the idea originated that memoir writing is cathartic. For me, it's always felt like playing my own neurosurgeon, sans anesthesia.

Twasn't me, 'twas the Lord! I always told Him, 'I trust to you. I don't know where to go or what to do, but I expect You to lead me,' an' He always did.

People always ask us, 'When are you guys gonna do a movie? When are you gonna do a TV show?' And to me, that feels like such a step backwards from where are.

There's always space for me to grow and I think that experimenting and making mistakes is gonna get me to this position where I'm trying to be is always changing.

I've always been interested in pandemics, where they come from, how they arise, and the key feature which really fascinates me is that the biology of the bug is the least of it.

Ever since I worked on 'Buffy', it's always helped me to find a genre container for something, and I was like, 'Oh, this is where the movie melodrama has gone to. It's gone to YA.'

When I was working at MTV, people would e-mail me asking where I bought my frames, and I always felt a little uneasy telling a teenager to go out and pick up a $400 pair of glasses.

I was born in Argentina where polo is popular, and my father always loved horses, so he encouraged me to play. He's the main reason I started to play polo and get involved with the sport.

I've been fortunate to come on places where the question isn't why did I do it? The question to me is always, why didn't anybody else do it before me? Those are the ones that I scratch my head about.

I hyper-analyze everything; I'm always in my head. Those moments where you don't think and you're just part of the environment did not come easily to me, but it was those moments and highs that I chased.

I always looked at it as, the character of Edge gives me complete free reign with no borders, where you can get away with anything, just a complete... no social qualities, no redeeming qualities whatsoever.

There were probably a few games I played where I should not have played, because of some nagging injuries or something. I used to always talk the managers into playing me, because I wanted to play so badly.

One thing that has really influenced me with Bowie where I've taken an approach from him is how he changes from album to album and has always modified his sound and his appearance. I think that's an important thing.

When I was coming up as a kid, there were programs that kept me out of trouble and on the straight and narrow in South Central Los Angeles, and I always felt that when I got to a stage where I could provide similar opportunities to kids then I would do that.

I'm so happy in the projects that I'm able to make, to be involved in projects like this. This isn't always where it was at for me, I started working when I was a kid. I'm just a different person now, I'm 30. I started working when I was 11 and it's a different ballgame.

I would do musicals in high school where there was dancing, and I would sing my verse, and then they would choreograph it so when I would take an eight-count to back up to the back of the stage while the other dancers covered me up because my body was totally... I was always in newborn-deer mode.

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