You can always improve your fitness if you keep training.

Always keep the lines of communication open with your adversaries.

Always do sober what you said you'd do drunk. That will teach you to keep your mouth shut.

No matter what, you have to always keep your chest out. Sometimes it's hard; it's really hard.

Always keep your composure. You can't score from the penalty box; and to win, you have to score.

I think you always have to keep your eye open and take advantage of anything that may come your way.

There's always something to suggest that you'll never be who you wanted to be. Your choice is to take it or keep on moving.

It's always about finding the right balance between answering some questions and raising new ones to keep your story going.

Have you noticed that whatever sport you're trying to learn, some earnest person is always telling you to keep your knees bent?

It's always frustrating when you drop the ball. But you've got to go back out there, and you've got to put that play in the back of your head and keep on going.

I slice up a ton of cucumbers, celery, carrots and red and yellow peppers. Keep them in your fridge so you always have something handy to curb your snack attack.

It definitely gives us a lot of confidence to be playing for Manchester United as a youngster, and, as long as you keep working, you are always going to get your chance.

I wanted to create things that you can always pull out of your closet and rely on. I wanted to create a timeless, classic collection of clothing that you can keep expanding on.

Bookshelves are the most natural places for displaying your personal photos and picture frames. I always print our photos in black and white to keep a classic and cohesive look.

I always polish my shoes and clean the bottom of them before I go out. I also wipe my handbags. I keep them in little bags to stop them getting dusty. You have to keep your accessories looking smart and clean.

Always, always powder your T-zone and the lines going from your nose down around your mouth so you don't look like a bulldog. When those areas are shiny, it's awful. And gloss will keep your lips from appearing dehydrated.

I find that the skills and the muscularity required to be on stage, you need to keep those up - I do, personally, in order to maintain your ability to perform on screen. You don't want to always be working in the one medium.

My secret for over pluckers is to keep some brow pencil on your brows at all times, even when you go to bed... If you keep product on your brows at all times they will always appear perfect, and you will not obsess on every little hair that is out of place.

In England, you might have a possession game of six v. six, and it's like headless chickens: people running around everywhere just trying to keep the ball and be strong in tackles. But in Spain, you always stay in your position. You're still in your shape for every drill.

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