A lot of young girls look up to me and it's amazing.

Like every girl, I felt amazing pressure to look like the popular girls, but no one told me the popular girls were all air brushed in magazines.

I want my opponents to look at me across the net and just not want to play me because I look so fit and amazing and strong. So that's always my goal.

I'm not on the stage going, 'Look at me! I'm amazing!' I accept my vulnerability, don't pretend I'm something I'm not. I don't want to come across as fake.

Everybody likes to look at the end goal, but when you sit back and reflect, I played on Team U.S.A. That's incredible for me. I think that in itself is amazing.

I thought I'd have this fantastic bust and everyone would look at me and think I was amazing. After the operation I did feel fantastic: I'd put a bra on and I had a cleavage.

My method of helping someone is saying, 'Wow, you look amazing. Let me help you look even better.' I think tearing someone down is an awful thing to do. It has a lasting impression on people.

I could have been a top notch spy. People confess the most amazing secrets to me, even when I am not fishing for those nuggets. I must look trustworthy because I sit there with a video camera or a tape recorder while the stories pour out.

I look back on some of my outfits, and I'm like: 'Why did I wear that? Where are my friends and why didn't they tell me not to leave the house?' If they had, I probably would've said, 'You don't know what you're talking about. This looks amazing.'

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